Abuse of Mechanics

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Staff Team

Generic Staff Account
Oct 11, 2019
Hello Everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Abuse of Game Mechanics/Features. This can be a weighty subject so I'll try to keep it simple and to the point.

The Following are some examples of what may be considered FailRP or Exploiting:
  • Abusing peyote to absorb damage. (Peyote is a hallucinogenic drug for roleplay purposes only)
  • Eating food / drinking water during a fight.
  • Abusing lasso mechanics (Reasonable use of the lasso / break out mechanics is expected).
  • Using outfits changer on the "go" (it is expected that you would change your clothing in a location that makes sense to have it, for example, your horse's saddle bags, or in a hotel room).
As you all know we have a amazing Development team. They are working day in and day out to bring us mechanics and features to broaden our abilities and how we can spend our time on the server, to enrich everyone's experience on WildWestRP. From time to time, issues with these mechanics and features will be discovered which will be considered exploits by our staff team.

When these things arise, we urge each and every member of our community to use their common sense to realize that something might not be right. That maybe this isn't an intended use of a feature or mechanic. If you have any question or feeling something might not quit be right with something, that a feature or mechanic might be abused or used in inappropriate ways, I urge you to bring it up in a #Support Ticket before testing it out on the server. Our staff have no issues responding to these questions.

For those that choose to abuse or use something in a way not intended by our Development team there will be swift disciplinary action taken up to and potentially including a permanent ban for those exploiting on our servers.

I implore all of our members to consider what they are doing with these features and mechanics and ensure that you are putting your best foot forward in their use.

At the end of the day, we're about roleplay and we need to keep that at the forefront of our mind while we're on the server and try to maintain what realistically makes sense. Now get off the forums, get onto the server and have fun!

(This post will remain open for thoughtful, respectful debate/questions/community feedback)
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Apr 13, 2020
I wish people would put more effort into RPing the environment and the era, and think that there's a survival aspect to the game every time they travel from town to town, or county to county.

Night travel is dangerous. For example: more wolves will spawn at night.
Going at wind speed is dangerous. Main cause of "random" aggro.
Horses aren't machines.
It's better to form a convoy for long travels. Travel slowly, have a navigator, a spotter, a scout?
nothing wrong with camping the night and moving in the morning.
The burning noon sun is a good excuse to stop for a couple of hours and make lunch.
Do you ever stop to eat or make coffee or tea? Is the saloon the only option?
Are you not tired from riding across 3 counties at full speed?
You arrived to a new place, example Guarma, does it make sense to whistle for your horse right away?
The rain is pouring down, does it make sense you're making a fire to sit around it casually?
I don't think you should be running (effortlessly) so much in these clothes, let alone in this sun...
Gun safety procedures are a thing. Even in 1899.

The list goes on...

Most people treat their horses like a dirt bike in GTA.
Should the horse get tired or too low on health, just whistle another one.

I hear a lot about the "slow burn" and good RP yet i have met none of it in my 3 weeks here apart from a few exceptions.

I'm not great roleplayer myself, but i feel like by being around such players is giving me bad habits.
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Jaena Shaw

Professional Breaker
Community Lead
Trial Developer
Gold Supporter
Mar 6, 2020
On the subject of horse care and realism, I’ve found a good collection of folks who like me are realistic about how we play. We make coffee in the morning to have a talk, Jaena when on rounds will go hunt a deer, take it to the butcher, and then spend every dollar earned from it on “cured venison” to take with her for the day. Often she doesn’t have time to take a break between towns due to emergencies, but she’ll always stop for an in-game day to talk with people. She also eats and drinks 2 times an in game day to keep hydrated and fed minimum. Can’t see notices until she’s in front of a notice board(or in a post office because ooc I’m a potato in some towns), and can’t call her horse if she leaves him somewhere until an in-game day has passed to let him follow her.

I think people can miss out on a lot of this RP by mechanic twisting in the gotta go fast mentality. Little brother(Jaena’s horse) is also a permaable entity with thoughts and feelings and traits(anyone who’s ridden on little brother with Jaena has seen this lol) and is played like a second character. We are out here, I promise you.

I personally would like to see an initiation required for shooting people’s horses because they annoy you. Shoot the wrong horse and you’re killing a character.

Kit Detwiler

Mar 21, 2020
On the subject of horse care and realism, I’ve found a good collection of folks who like me are realistic about how we play. We make coffee in the morning to have a talk, Jaena when on rounds will go hunt a deer, take it to the butcher, and then spend every dollar earned from it on “cured venison” to take with her for the day. Often she doesn’t have time to take a break between towns due to emergencies, but she’ll always stop for an in-game day to talk with people. She also eats and drinks 2 times an in game day to keep hydrated and fed minimum. Can’t see notices until she’s in front of a notice board(or in a post office because ooc I’m a potato in some towns), and can’t call her horse if she leaves him somewhere until an in-game day has passed to let him follow her.

I think people can miss out on a lot of this RP by mechanic twisting in the gotta go fast mentality. Little brother(Jaena’s horse) is also a permaable entity with thoughts and feelings and traits(anyone who’s ridden on little brother with Jaena has seen this lol) and is played like a second character. We are out here, I promise you.

I personally would like to see an initiation required for shooting people’s horses because they annoy you. Shoot the wrong horse and you’re killing a character.
I double this on the horse killing, people willy nilly killing their own, or other peoples horses (which would be a hanging offense of the time without good cause) it should be treated seriously, tactically, and with care, same with killing random cats and dogs, they may not mean much to a random player but that animal could mean the world to the player that owns it.

Beefcake is much like little brother, hes had a story Kit and myself weren't even there for,passed down (twice?) between players, he's a full character with a long and full backstory if someone randomly shot him for "fun"? I as a player wouldn't even know how to handle that level of loss.

Adrian White

Apr 12, 2020
Yeah on your point in guarma I was there yesterday and had to relog before I could take the ferry, as soon as I got back everyone had whistled their horses and then started spawning in boats on the beach to go play around. Felt really weird.

Also I'm getting SUPER annoyed with the whole tying random people up but "haha its just a funny joke" or even just because of the tiniest comment. I really don't understand why anyone's reaction to a conversation or non-threatening action would be to tie someone they don't know up and leave them tied up. It's not cool, especially if there's no real reason for it.

Jaena Shaw

Professional Breaker
Community Lead
Trial Developer
Gold Supporter
Mar 6, 2020
Also I'm getting SUPER annoyed with the whole tying random people up but "haha its just a funny joke" or even just because of the tiniest comment. I really don't understand why anyone's reaction to a conversation or non-threatening action would be to tie someone they don't know up and leave them tied up. It's not cool, especially if there's no real reason for it.

Jaena is actively petrified of Ropes, like throw her into a panic attack and possibly kill her levels of terror, so when people randomly just start tying people she has to hide or balk. Slowly people are getting much more considerate of this which is pretty fucking dope.

Jackson Linder

Silver Supporter
Jan 17, 2020
I double this on the horse killing, people willy nilly killing their own, or other peoples horses (which would be a hanging offense of the time without good cause) it should be treated seriously, tactically, and with care, same with killing random cats and dogs, they may not mean much to a random player but that animal could mean the world to the player that owns it.

Beefcake is much like little brother, hes had a story Kit and myself weren't even there for,passed down (twice?) between players, he's a full character with a long and full backstory if someone randomly shot him for "fun"? I as a player wouldn't even know how to handle that level of loss.

Same goes for Sir Wilbur, my horse. His “fame” exceeds Rose’s (if I can say that, she ain’t famous in any way) and she loves him so much she would kill herself if something happened to him. He’s a full blown completely written character for me. All of my friends’ horses are also dear for them. I am yet to meet a person who doesn’t treat their horse right, but I have no doubt they are there.

Horses are a great way to add elements to the RP and occupy your character in peaceful or even boring moments. Shooting other people’s horses is ridiculous and should be punishable. You never know how dear an animal is to a character or even a player, so if a person don’t want to respect their horses (for example because they play a character who doesn't) they should at least respect pets belonging to others.

The other thing that bothers me is that some people tend to forget that not everyone is obliged to engage in their storylines. I understand it's nice to be a "main character", but it's even nicer to be just an organic part of the world we create together <3