Regarding the New Year / Time Progression

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Staff Team

Generic Staff Account
Oct 11, 2019
Hi all,

This is quite the overdue post.

Nearly one year ago it was New Years 2020. We had decided that our server was going to be based in 1899, but we hadn't decided how to move forward from there. A decision long ago was made to stay in 1899 indefinitely, regardless of the real-life year.

As Wild West RP grew, people began to ask questions (more-so recently) regarding our plans here. Over the past few days a Staff discussion and poll happened, and the determination was made that we will be progressing to the year 1900* as of New Years 2021-01-01.

There is a caveat to this time-progression. To keep the server within the era of 1899 that we have come to know and love, we have decided that while the year will progress for roleplay and logical reasons, technology will be permanently locked at 1899. This means no technological, medical, or other inventions or creations that happened after 1899 are acceptable within roleplay. This essentially changes nothing to how things are right now, but will apply to new users.

Guideline 6 has been amended to state: "The server is technologically locked at 1899, meaning no technology inventions past 1899 are acceptable in Wild West RP". This will also become part of the Whitelist Application.

Thank you,

Wild West RP Staff Team
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