Ambroise Galbraith

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  • Ambroise Galbraith


    An athletic woman stands in front of you, her green eyes bore into you with an intense fire that you would be drawn to. Her pink pale lips turn up into a smile and her face lights up as her spunky and bubbly attitude comes to the surface. Tipping her hat at you, you would see her dark red hair fall over her broad shoulder. Raising her head a little to look at you from under the brim of her hat, her smile somehow turned into a smirk and her eyes reflect something that makes a shiver run down your spine, almost as if she knows something that you don't, and you ask yourself, 'How did she go from being bubbly to this in a matter of seconds?' Then as a few more seconds pass of her staring at you, her smirk not disappearing, she would briefly nod at you and turn to leave. Her stride full of confidence and purpose, head held high, her dark red hair bouncing off her shoulders. Before she turns a corner, she would shift her body ever so slightly to look back at you, giving you a wink before disappearing around the corner, with a laugh.

    Early Life 

    Ambroise, nickname Amber, grew up a cattle ranch, somewhere in Illinois, where her father (David) and mother (Nancy) raised her, her 3 sisters and two brothers. She learned from the age of 12 how to shoot a gun to help with the drives that her dad would take her on. Amber loved the ranch but over the years as her sister, brothers and her grew up, it had become rundown due to having been raided by gangs around the area.

    One night as she was sleeping, she heard shouts and the horses screaming. As she ran outside she saw the barn on fire and one of the raiders riding off into the darkness, laughing. Her dad and her, guns in hand, tried to shoot at the man but he was out of sight by the time they got their guns up. Her dad went straight towards the barn to try and save the horses while everyone else went to the well to get water for the fire. Her dad was able to get four out of the six horses out but when he turned and ran back in for the fifth, the barn was so weakened by the fire that it collapsed on him.

    Amber mourned for her father and buried what her and her family could find of him from the fire. Her mother and siblings went to live with other family while Amber stayed behind with the ranch hands. They took her under their wing but they didn't use the ranch for what its original purpose was. They used it as a hideout to try and take out the other gangs in the area. Michael, her mentor, and Hoss, second in command, taught her many things. How to be ruthless, to let the darkness cover her and how to appear and disappear within it. Amber did many things for Michael that she started to look at him as second father. Hoss would call her 'little raven' which she was always happy hear him say, cause that meant that she had done a good job with a task.

    One day, she was coming back from a night trip to town, blood still on her clothes, she was walking up to the house to clean up when she overheard Hoss and Michael talking. Walking softly she listened in and overheard them talking about how they couldn't believe how lucky they had gotten having Amber with them. Pride swelled within her as she continued to listen and thats when she heard Hoss say 'Yeah, if her father hadn't gotten in the way before we would have had this place earlier.' Hearing that Amber, left, blood still on her clothes. She drank heavily and found herself in the middle of nowhere, alone and with bloody clothes.

    Amber went back to where her mother and sibilings were, where she stayed with them for awhile. She trained and raised a newborn foal, Tradewinds and after he was old enough to travel long distances, she bade farewell to her mother and siblings yet again and left again. She couldn't bare to stay with them without not seeing her father with them. So Amber traveled around to different states as gun for hire on cattle drives. She felt more at peace during the drives til they would reach their destination and then she would move on again. She did this for 3 years til she came to the state of New Alexandria.

    Present Life 

    Ambroise, Amber, has been in the state since October where she meet up with a group of people. Declan, Caylor, Lyle and many others that welcomed her into their group, so she decided to stay around and make a life her own. In just a few months, they had introduced her to many of their friends and family that she felt like she finally belonged. Over time she became a deputy of New Alexandria and is still surrounded by friends and family that love and support her.
    Amber still looks over her shoulder from time to time, however, darkness is not the only thing there, her friends and family are there as well and she couldn't be happier.



    - My baby Dark Bay Turkoman - 5 years old (April 4th)

    Starlight - Reverse Dapple Nokota - 3 years old (May ‎10th) - Retired

    Muninn - Chestnut Turkoman - 4 years old (May 19th)

    Flattery - Dapple Buckskin Norfolk Roadster - 5 years old (June 4th ) (Given to her by one her close friends, Declan Dedrick)

    Mahariel - Buckskin Mustang - 3 years old

    Saphiro - Blue Roan Missouri Foxtrotter - 4 years old


    Never lose your childish innocence, its the most important thing.

    Those who knock you down are only trying to reduce you to their size.

    Its not over when you lose, Its over when you quit.

    Every day is another chance to change your life.

    Pain is weakness leaving the body.


    Ambroise Galbraith











    140 lbs






    Marital Status:



    Nancy Galbraith (Alive)
    David Galbraith (Deceased)
    3 Sisters (Alive)
    2 Brothers (Alive)


    Field Medic of Mountain Medical


    Cutie Patootie

    Faction Affiliations: