August Weber

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  • August Weber


    Pictured right, August Weber in St. Denis, July 1903.
    A lean man with whitish hair and a whitish goatee, combining a waxed moustache and facial hair on the chin. August is of a somewhat athletic, though perhaps thinner, build, with a rather toned physique.

    Usually donning a simple white every day shirt with the collars slung open and sleeved rolled back; brown regular pants; polished but slightly wearing roper boots. A pair of beige suspenders wrapping up and around from his waist to his shoulders. A simple black homburg and matching black shotgun coat are usually thrown over the top to complete his look. The gunbelt that hangs around his waist is fairly unremarkable, matching the condition of his boots: wearing out, but polished and cared for.
    A pair of glasses are commonly seen emerging from his breast pocket whenever he has to write or read.

    Just past the whitish moustache on the left side of his face, a narrow, streaking scar can be spotted. The scar itself is in a simple, straight line, as if done by a blade of some kind.

    Early Life 

    Present Life 

    Nowadays, August lives a pretty quiet life within St. Denis. A fact that August finds funny in an ironic sense. Being that the highlight of his career was, according to him, "Das französische Kraftpaket in die Knie zwingen".
    Now, he lives in a largely French speaking city.

    When not snickering at the irony of it all, August now busies himself in various ways. Working within the train yards of St. Denis; taking long walks around the city at midday; sometimes going for rides on his Liver Chestnut Hungarian Half-Bred "Königsberg", who August affectionately refers to as "Konnie", through the Lemoyne Countryside of Scarlett Meadows and up towards the expanse of the Heartlands. When he is not busying himself with all this, August can normally be found dwelling in apartment two of a small black of flats on St. Nicholas Street, St. Denis, between Rue De La Diligent and Courtenay Street.

    Normally, he can be spied smoking cigarettes or reading books while drinking coffee out on the balcony of his apartment. Sometimes, when the shutters are open, he can be seen shadow boxing and, very rarely, seen practicing fencing.


    Frontier Railway Company
    (Active: May 1903 - )
    Largely working as one of the train engineers for Frontier Railway Company, and sometimes doubling up as a train conductor, August's role as a member of the staff at Frontier Railway Company is largely unremarkable. Having a no-nonsense attitude to people loitering on the tracks and those wanting to use the bridges across the state to cross on anything other than the steel beasts Frontier Railway Company whips across New Alexandria, August's appreciation for the Frontier Railway Company's fleet is immense.

    In a way, driving these hulking steel stallions across New Alexandria gives August a sense of purpose again, and perhaps instils in him a sense of pride that has long since eroded.

    Royal Prussian Army
    (Former: December 1848 - May 1871)
    Able to date their heritage back to the Teutonic Knights of the 13th Century, the aristocratic and military family that August stems from enrolled him in training to be a Prussian Military Officer from the moment he was able. Eager to push him to continue this tradition, August entered official service into the Royal Prussian Army in late 1848, early 1849.

    By the time his military career came to a crashing halt on the 19th of January, 1871 August held the rank of Hauptman, and largely worked alongside Prussian light infantry, having maintained a boots on the ground attitude throughout his career. Following him being mortally wounded by a French attack during the second Battle of Buzenval of which was part of the larger Siege on Paris, August spent the last few months of his official military career recovering in a military hospital, by which he was honourably discharged, due to the length of his career and, by this time, his age. Though, this would leave August particularly bitter, after his insistence that he was still fit for service was ignored by his superiors.

    In his time serving with the Royal Prussian Army in the German Confederation, August took part in several campaigns and conflicts and earned only a handful of military awards. Of them, August saw combat in the first (1848-1851) and second (1864) Schleswig Wars; the Austro Prussian war (1866) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871).


    "Get off the fucking track!"


    Extended Family Tree
    Due to August coming from a family that had a habit of pre-arranged marriages and marriages in order to secure family ties and advantages, it is little surprise that he ended up with a particularly large family tree. The ones listed in the "Relatives" section of his general information are just his immediate family. Maiden names are in brackets, with post-marriage names listed thereafter.
    Listed along side each individual is their relation to August.

    Wed to August's brother: Gustav Reinhardt Weber - Maria Kathe (Dietrich) Weber - Sister In-Law
    • George Alexander Weber - Nephew - Unmarried.
    • Otto Konstantine Weber - Nephew - Wed to Elizabeth Liselotte (Tollenhark) Weber.
      • Jeremias Gustav Weber - Grand Nephew.
      • Roman George Weber - Grand Nephew.
    • Ingrid Elke (Weber) Werner - Niece - Wed to William Karl Werner.
      • Edith Maria Werner - Grand Niece.
      • Wilhelm George Werner - Grand Nephew.
    Wed to August's sister: Meike Elke (Weber) Gleirch - Conrad Henry Gleich - Brother In-Law.
    • Conrad Robert Gleich Jr. - Nephew - Wed to Sophie Veronica (Henkenl) Gleich.
      • Julius Friedrich Gleich - Grand Nephew.
      • Lars Edward Gleich - Grand Nephew.
      • Oskar Sebastian Gleich - Grand Nephew.
      • Valerie Elke Gleich - Grand Niece.
    Wed to August's sister: Monika Hermine (Weber) Gleich - Edward Harald Gleich - Brother In-Law.
    • Herrmann Conrad Gleich - Nephew - Unmarried.
    Wed to August's aunt: Gertrude Helga (Weber) Angeloff - Leonid Alexander Angeloff - Uncle In-Law.
    • Alexander Leonid Angeloff - Cousin - Wed to Yulia Svetlana (Ishkov) Angeloff
      • Bastian Konstantine Angeloff - First cousin - Wed to Melania (Lipskerov) Angeloff
        • Pavel Alexander Angeloff - Second cousin - First son to Bastian & Melania Angeloff.
        • Kirill Konstantine Angeloff - Second cousin - Second son to Bastian & Melania Angeloff.
        • Polina Melania Angeloff - Second cousin - Daughter and third child to Bastian & Melania Angeloff.
        • Natalya Yulia Angeloff - Second cousin - Daughter and forth child to Bastian & Melania Angeloff.
        • Larisa Monika Angeloff - Second Cousin - Daughter and fifth child to Bastian & Melania Angeloff.
      • Galina Tatiana Angeloff - First cousin once removed - Unmarried.
    • Konstantine Michael Angeloff - Cousin.
    • Nicholas Karl Angeloff - Cousin.
    • Ivan Frederick Angeloff - Cousin.
    • Peter Bastian Angeloff - Cousin.
    Wed to August's uncle: Gustav William Weber - Paula Jutta (Koch) Weber - Aunt.
    • No children were had between Gustav and Paula Weber.
    General Trivia
    • Smells slightly of expensive tobacco.
    • Owns and still uses a cartridge converted 1851 Konigliche Navy Revolver. The revolver itself is stamped with "K.M 749" on the back of the revolver just beneath the handle. This weapon was obtained by August sometime in the 1860s, and how a weapon intended for the Prussian Navy wound up with a light infantry officer is not entirely clear.
    • Awarded the 1st class Iron Cross in 1871. Curiously, despite him not being in active service, August still owns a jubilee clip for this medal.
    • Has a love for lager, but a soft spot for whiskey.
    • Takes his coffee black with three sugars.
    • Has two illegitimate sons that August has never, and likely never will, meet.
    • Dislikes many sports that don't challenge an individual physically. In particular, he enjoys boxing, running and sometimes fencing.

    August Weber









    5'11 (180cm)


    174lb (78kg)


    16th December, 18--


    Konigsberg, Prussia, German Confederation


    German (Prussian)

    Marital Status:



    George Friedrich Weber - Father
    Elke Charlotte Weber - Mother
    Gustav Reinhardt Weber - Brother
    Meike Elke (Weber) Gleich - Sister
    Monika Hermine (Weber) Gleich - Sister
    Unknown - Son
    Unknown - Son
    Unknown - Grandchild


    Train Engineer
    Infantryman (Formerly)


    Mr. Train Conductor

    Faction Affiliations:

    Frontier Railway Company
    Royal Prussian Army (Formerly)