Brad Caloway

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  • Brad Caloway


    A man who once sought out a legitimate job as an undertaker in the state of New Alexandria but was turned into a darker life after law was tagged onto his coat. Now hiding in the shadows only to reek havoc and revenge on those on his path to serve as a warning towards any man or woman to stay out of his way. Only working with few individuals to complete certain tasks.

    Early Life 

    Brad Caloway lived under the wing of his father Jensen Caloway to learn the art of undertaking, transporting bodies in hearses, preparing them for burial and sending them to the ones who they truly cared about. One day, Brad's father was caught red handed by not only the law but his wife, Sinclair Caloway, killing a man who threatened his sons life after a bad altercation at a bar in Austin, Texas. Sinclair took Brad and his brother Cain away from their father and tried to erase them from his life. It worked for about 3 years before Jensen found them in Dallas, Texas. A heated argument arose which resulted in Sinclairs death. The children were not present for this. Jensen lied to his son's saying he found her dead beside a bar, possibly due to a man killing her after paid business didn't go as planned. Law of Texas caught up to Jensen Caloway to which he was forced to flee and exit his son's life's for the time being. Brad was angry his whole teenage life, trying to find revenge against the man who murdered his mother, not knowing it was his own father. Cain didn't believe a word of any of it, as he ran away from Brad a little bit after they turned 17. Brad was alone, going into adult-hood Brad stepped into a bar in Austin, Texas. He thought he overheard a man talking about killing someone with the description of his mother, discreetly. Brad was 28 at the time, he forcefully grabbed the man's jacket and dragged him towards a wall, screaming at him asking him if he was the one who killed his mother, to which the man was drunk and bumbling and laughing. Brad punched him, threw him to the ground, stomped on his arm and broke it, asking again. All there was was screams of pain from the man, to which Brad pulled out his Cattleman and shot the man 3 times in the head in the center of the bar to which everyone fled out. The law yelled from outside moments later to come out with his hands up, to which he ran out the front door, getting on his Ravenblack Shire and rode off into numerous parts of Texas, never to be seen.

    Present Life 

    Brad Caloway rode into New Alexandria as a licensed undertaker in various counties in Texas, wanting to start life anew by being another available undertaker in the state. One night, Brad encountered a group of people in the Saint Denis cemetery. Brad was conducting studies on how certain gravesites in certain counties of the state were built. To which he was told to stay away from a certain area due to a production of a moving picture. Brad was slightly annoyed by this as it stalled his studies, but stayed away nonetheless. Brad was slowly walking around his half of the cemetery reading the names on the tombstones when all of the sudden, a local Saint Denis man attacked Brad for getting to close which caused Brad to slam the mans head into one of the stones. He was upset due to getting randomly attacked, a man asked if he was okay to then Brad responded, "Sure." Brad's voice is deep and gritty, so it may be odd for the regular person to hear. The man responds in a jokingly manner, "Oh, Is that so?" Which upset Brad, clearly. The man apologized claiming he thought he was a friend of his, chuckling at the mistake at hand. Brad responded with "Best watch your tone, boy." after leaving and returning later in the night, to which the man approached Brad and tried to clear things up. At the end of it all, he says "Don't make idle threats." to which Brad took as a challenge. Brad stole the man's horse, taking it away from Saint Denis, branding a Coffin shape into the thigh of the horse and releasing it into the cemetery as a warning to be careful to the man. The man didn't take to kindly to his horse being branded, so he reported it to the NASD (New Alexandria Sheriff's Department) and got the law pointed in his direction. After his events in Texas and his events in the state, he did not want to be prosecuted. Brad lied to the law once they approached him, saying he had nothing to do with it. After that, Brad sent a letter to the man after learning his name after he was approached after the horse went missing. The mans name was Thadius Leblanc. Brad sent a letter to him, claiming all sorts of things, but, one thing was on Brad's mind and that was taking out the man who ratted him out to the law and ruined his chances at becoming an undertaker for the state. Brad kidnapped the likes of George Bennett for an altercation to which has been set aside due to it not being as important as his current one. He recently kidnapped Jen Walter, stating; "I get the law has to do their job. But, it's in obstacle in the way that I have to surpass." He told Jen to send a message to the department and to Thadius. But, if the gritty words, the long hot journey out to New Austin and the sight of his eyes being rolled into the back of his head to intimidate the deputy wasn't enough.. Brad branded the deputy in her arm with the same Coffin symbol to allow her to remember the moment and take him serious. He has two goals in mind now, not to be an Undertaker for the state. Be an Undertaker to the ones who need it, and eliminate any competition.






    Brad Caloway











    289 lbs.




    Austin, Texas



    Marital Status:



    Cain Caloway (unknown) [Brother]
    Sinclair Caloway (deceased) [Mother]
    Jensen Caloway (unknown) [Father]




    The Undertaker

    Faction Affiliations:
