Briggs Eastern Steamboat Company

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  • Briggs Eastern Steamboat Co.


    Briggs Eastern Steamboat Company is a transportation company that provides transport across the Flat Iron Lake and up and down the Lannahechee River, stopping at Blackwater, Braithwaite Manor (where required) and Saint Denis. The company provides passenger and freight transportation as a point to point service, but is also available as a chartered service by appointment. The Briggs Eastern Steamboat Company is part of the Southern Transport Union and is licensed by the state of New Alexandria.


    The company began only as a service offered by The Briggs Overland Stagecoach Company after the invention of the small passenger steamboat in early February of 1900. Some weeks later after noticeable increases in demand for a ferry service and boat tours, the service was reformed into a company in it's own right and brought under the newly formed Southern Transport Union.


    Briggs Eastern Steamboat Co.




    Date Founded:

    February 18th, 1900


    New Alexandria
