Briggs Overland Stagecoach Company

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  • Briggs Overland Stagecoach Co.


    Briggs Overland Stagecoach Company is a rapidly expanding transportation company that provides express transport throughout the state of New Alexandria and New Austin. The company runs daily lines between the major towns in New Alexandria and also has a permanent company presence in New Austin. The Briggs Overland Stagecoach Company is part of the Southern Transport Union and is licensed by the state of New Alexandria.


    The company was founded January 14th 1900 by James T. Briggs, a lowly English canal boat operator who came to America in 1887. Briggs credits Silas Winchester whom he met in Annesburg one evening, having just returned from a trip to Coulter and readying to head up into the mountains again. Mr. Winchester gifted Briggs a Litchfield Repeater and the two went hunting together to secure funds for a stagecoach and business license. Some weeks later on January 30th, the Briggs Overland Stagecoach Company was licensed by the state of New Alexandria. Over the coming weeks the company would see rapid expansion, taking on a multitude of new drivers who operate the newly created stage lines up and down the state. Before the end of January, the company entered the freight industry, offering cargo movements throughout the state and expanded it's operations into New Austin county where it continues to play a pivotal role in the rebuilding of the Armadillo community after the cholera outbreak of 1899. On February 7th, 1900 the company began offering a steamboat ferry across the Flat Iron Lake and by February 17th the service was founded as it's own separate company, the Briggs Eastern Steamboat Company which also included the creation of the Southern Transport Union that now presides ownership of both companies.




    Briggs Overland Stagecoach Co.




    Date Founded:

    January 14th, 1900


    New Alexandria
