Camilla Valencia

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  • Description 

    Camilla is a short, relatively small woman with a wild look to her eyes and a soft complexion. Her features are soft and kind, betraying her inner severity and nature. Since returning to New Alexandria, she has been involved in a much more active lifestyle and has gained some weight in muscle mass. Her medical training involves holistic solutions, including herbal remedies, alchemy, and some aspects of spirituality. While she is not a religious woman in the general sense, she does consider herself Pagan and has views aligning with modern-day Wiccanism.

    Early Life 

    Camilla was born in New Alexandria in 1875, in the swamps between Rhodes and Saint Denis. She often comments that the little shack she was born in is still standing, converted into a witch's hut, which she finds poetic. The shack is indeed still standing, and can be found deep in the swamp. At the age of 6, she and her family moved to Italy, where her father is from originally. Her father was a winemaker and moved their family there to pursue this, developing a great heritage behind the name Valencia in the wine business. He built this up in hopes of escaping his past life, where he was involved in a small Italian mafia that fell apart when he was in his early 20s.

    Growing up, Camilla lived in wealth and decadence, attending an all-girls Catholic school. She quickly grew to hate the wealthy life, and often acted out against her father. Some ways she did this were fistfights (that became knife fights in her teens), drinking, ruining her clothes from running out in the woods, climbing trees, breaking her heels, and cursing. Her father grew to have a disdain for her, and she him. Her mother was a quiet, timid woman that rarely stood up for her daughter when she and her father argued.

    Present Life 

    Her father still wished to give her an affluent life, so he sent her to medical university to become a nurse. Rejecting this future, she instead studied herbalism and alchemy. She did graduate, but not after several setbacks, including going to jail on two separate occasions for knife fights. Her father did his best to pay her bail and keep her in university, though she never had an ounce of thankfulness for him for this. During this time, she was often teased for being a tomboy, rejecting her wealth, and being so small and dainty.

    One day, a particular bully went too far. After a knife fight that ended in Camilla's defeat, the aggressor tackled her and deeply cut her face, down her left cheek. She escaped but felt a hateful vengeance that she soon would act on. She devised a cocktail to sneak into their tea, which she succeeded in doing to an extreme extent. The bully fell ill quickly and died the same day from poisoning. Fearing getting charged with murder, she kept her nose down and quietly finished medical school for the year that she had left. Then, in a wild effort to evade both this and her father, she returned home to New Alexandria to start anew and alone.

    Notably, since Camilla has returned to New Alexandria as an adult, she has had a unique struggle against the wolves of the forests near Valentine and Strawberry. On several occasions, she has come across packs of wolves, often while searching for herbs to collect in the wilds. These encounters have ended in terrible wounds, setbacks, and once, she even believed her horse to have perished; it was missing for most of the day but, by some force of nature she would say, found its way back to her. When she shared this with her good friend Dakaasin (Sin), Sin gave her a handcrafted tomahawk, complete with her own craftswoman's brand on the hilt, and told Camilla to use it against wolves. Camilla came face to face with a pack of wolves the very next day, and with the tomahawk in hand, she was narrowly victorious. Since then, she has had a reverence for the wolves, and has treated them with respect when coming across them in the wild. They receive proper burials when she has to kill them and she uses their hides, meat, bones, and hearts to full efficiency, not wishing their deaths to go to waste.


    Jackdaws, King's Cross General Practice


    "Nature always has something to offer you, and it's not going to give you anything for free. Take what you can and give thanks."
    "Ooh what's that herb?"
    "I cannot tell you about the mushrooms. They defy all laws of nature. Some live forever, some let you explore the cosmos for a thousand years and be back in 10 minutes, some cure impossible ailments, others can kill an elephant with their toxins. I cannot tell you about the mushrooms."


    Camilla considers herself lesbian typically, but is actually bisexual and has found a select few men she has an interest in.
    Camilla is very inexperienced in relationships, but has had a couple girlfriends for brief stints in grade school.

    Camilla Valencia











    156 lbs



    Rhodes, New Alexandria



    Marital Status:



    One unnamed father, one unnamed mother


    King's Cross Doctor-in-training, Jackdaw Prospect


    Cam, Cammy

    Faction Affiliations: