Colin Campbell

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    Colin is a short teen, who doesn't filter what he thinks. If he thinks you're being dumb, He'll tell you. Asking a dumb question, receive a dumb answer. He respects those who he deems family the highest, and will change his attitude and disposition on things based on what his Family, Bun and Ryyan, tell him. He supports them with his whole heart, regardless of what they do. He is full of curiosity and general quizzical in nature; However, fairly gullible. This leads him to believing things that he will later get laughed at for.

    Early Life 

    Colin was abandoned early on and orphaned in Canada, where he grew up with his newly formed Orphan Family, Bun and Ryyan. They would scamper around town, pickpocketing and selling day old news papers, with a page of the current day news paper on the front, to trick people into buying "Current" newspapers. After a period of time, they'd go under the name "Shanty Mice", after the mice that live on ports, going from ship to ship, stealing scraps and causing ruckus.

    Present Life 

    Currently, Colin lives a life of a dog with 2 homes. One home being St. Denis where he roams the streets, looking for pockets to pick and people to meet. Both go hand in hand. In St. Denis, he generally tried to ease drop in on Deputy conversations to see what crimes are going on and if he can investigate them. This is also where he generally meets with Bun and goes on adventures with. He'll generally go with her where ever she wants and supports her in whatever she wants to do.

    His other home is the Rhodes Gypsy Camp, where they try to teach him french, and teaches him to make "wine". Loosest term there. It's more or less Grape Juice with Moonshine. Which they also teach him to make. They teach him to make blankets and basic clothing, which he wears his first jacket made, where he got the playfully mean nickname "Patches". He currently just roams around meeting people, trying to find what could be Bun, Ryyan and himselfs new family. Moving forward his goals are to stabilize himself with a financial income, and buy his current family a place to live. One would most likely find him in St. Denis or Rhodes.


    None as of Now


    "On a scale of one to ten, seven being the highest."
    "I'm a private investigator, not a 'Let me just tell you whatever for free' investigator."
    "Are you implying I am a Criminal?"
    "This is anti-garlic bread..."


    • Colin doesn't like to tell people his name, unless he trusts/knows them. When Bun says it's O.K. to tell someone his name, he will. Otherwise, he'll just lie and not tell people his name.
    • Colin's first case as a Private Investigator was to investigate why Blackwater was named Blackwater.
    • Colin doesn't actually know his last name, which is "Campbell".(Changed because of addition of Letters) Colin knows his last name, but never admits it. He despises having a last name because it's a sign of being in a family, which Colin does not have.
    • Colin doesn't know how to ride a horse properly. Scraps, his horse, just takes him where he thinks he wants to go. Not always correct.
    • Colin is given a lot of things, but never is taught how to use them. Such as guns, cameras, etc... So he was a bunch of stuff he has no idea how to use.
    • (OoC)
      Colin is named after my younger brother who was abducted by my ex-stepmom and haven't seen him since. He's based on his dual personality from when he was young. One is a super friendly "Lets just have fun" person who will tell you what he's thinking without filtering it. The other is super cautious about everything. I play him differently on a game-to-game basis.




    Cute, and uncomfortable.






    "Bun" Kobayashi
    Ryyan "Ryan" Armstrong


    "Private Investigator"



    Faction Affiliations:

    Not Applicable