Cousin Tammy

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  • Description 

    Early Life 

    Like all cousins, Tammy was born from an egg deep within a cave (this is the story they tell folks)
    For the first 18 years of her life, Tammy lived in a small cave. On her 18th 'hatch day', she was finally old enough to crawl out and join the other Cousins.

    Present Life 


    Butcher Creek
    The Remnants (was friendly and helped them. As they have helped her often)


    Cousin Tammy, Cousin Obe, and Cousin Willie were planning on meeting up in Valentine to cause their usual mischief. Willie ended up getting caught by the deputies in town and was being held inside the station there.
    Obe, Tammy and with the help of Jimmy Hersh planned a jail break by using hostages.
    Knowing lately that deputies werent taking hostage situations too well, the trio decided to get 3 hostages in order to make the exchange for Willie. Hoping that the more lives at stake, they would agree to make the exchange. They took the 3 men they found in town and brought them to the front of the Valentine Sheriffs office and placed them on the ground tied up. Tammy, Obe and Jimmy pointed their guns at the hostages and demanded for the release of their Cousin Willie. They were met with 3-4 deputies, including Undersheriff Perzival Kawewe and Deputy Morty Detwiler. Cousin Obe did his best to negotiate but Perzi was having none of it. Despite the threats to shoot the 3 men, they refused to hand over their cousin. Perzi started a count down and shouted fire, which lead to Obe and Tammy shooting all 3 hostages down as they got shot themselves.
    Cousin Obe's horse 'Beaver' was also shot down and killed during the gunfire. Tammy became mortally injured and was bleeding prefusely in the mud. Morty did his best to slow down the bleeding as she laid there crying out to her Cousins in fear. Tammy drew her final breath begging not to die.
    Cousin Willie and Cousin Obe screamed out in agony hearing from Morty that Tammy was gone. Her egg, which is given to all Cousins, was smooshed in her coat.
    She was taken and laid in the Valentines Doctor office, where Cousin Obe and Cousin Willie were allowed to see her and say goodbye. Cousin Willie, released from his short jail sentence soon rode out to cause chaos in rage for the loss of his cousin.
    Natives from Tall Trees kindly offered to take Cousin Tammy's body to Ravens Rest, light their torches and doing a procession for her.
    While her body was in cold storage there, her Cousins made plans for revenge. (To be continued)


    "Yep Yep Yep"


    Tammy used to have short ginger hair before she lost in a chase from Deputies.
    Tammy wears goggles due to her abnormally large eyes and needing protecting from the sun.

    Tabitha (Tammy) Grain











    Abnormally thin


    A mystery

    Death Date:


    Butcher Creek Cousin Cave



    Marital Status:




    Butcher Creek Swine


    Moon Head

    Faction Affiliations:

    Butcher Creek