Cult of Loki

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  • Cult of Loki


    There are tradition, rules, and more to know.
    1.) The blessing of our god Fox/Trickster, although he expect sacrifice for our deeds, treat as points or blessing points. How to gain these points? Will it's up to the leader that assigned to the location to decide.

    • - Human Sacrifice are currently forbidden although offers 10 blessings, murdering of humans within New Alexandria is currently forbidden.
    • - Cougar, Wolves, Grizzly Bears are 6 points.
    • - Elk, Moose, and Bisons are 4 points
    • - Self-Defense against shooters/attackers (If other party shoots or attack you first and had to defend yourself) 4 points. Note: Please avoid escalating situation that leads to being attacked, using your words is powerful tool.
    • - Pity Crimes: Store Robbery, Horse Thievery, stealing in establishment in general are 3 points.
    • - Major Crimes: Bank Robbery, Robbing people, Kidnapping are 4 points.
    • - Forbidden: Murdering humans. Currently if going to kidnap someone you may not hurt them. You'll try to convince them what kind of Donation willing to give for their freedom.
    2.) While in the religion, it passed down through the male lineage, it has started to allow females into the fold. Although they are given a different names than the males. Males are given the name Loki and females are given the name Hela. Although don't use the name Loki or Hela to strangers and people overall, typically use the given birth name. Example Loki Nightfyre, goes by Nightfyre. People mistaken it for a Surname but the religion do not follow a surname system. Animals names are also used, though Fox is forbidden to use as a name as it belongs to the god.


    It used to be a small group that prays to the norse god known as Loki. Although over time through generation, it has changed so drastically it's not even the same anymore. It became very different, it's own form of religion, rules, and such. They named themselves Cult of Loki, as the names is passed down from father to son. They had a strong belief the name gives them the spirit of Loki, spirit of a fox and spirit of trickery or worse. The cult is kept alive through the male lineage, although over time they are steadily allow female born but they go another name typically. They also started to accept Trans and gender differences. Though it's a slow acceptance but it steadily getting there. While the Cult was just a group with respectful belief at first, they became their own religion. Although they stopped referring Loki as a god and treating it more like a name. Their god is Fox Trickster, which the males with the name of Loki allow the Fox Trickster god to able to give them will and power.


    Their god do not exactly have a name yet, likely told Fox Trickster or Fox or Trickster.



    Cult of Loki




    Date Founded:




    Revna Lightfyre (Wife of Loki Nightfyre)