Darya Zhukov

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    Darya Nikolayevna Zhukov (born 20 April 1875) is a Russian immigrant on the run from multiple warrants in other states for crimes she committed with her twin brother. She currently resides in New Alexandria and as the state does not recognise her patronymic name, the state records list her simply as Darya Zhukov.

    She has blue eyes and blonde hair which she sometimes dyes darker with different substances in an attempt to disguise it. Her wardrobe consists of a variety of outfits both smart and scruffy, with the days outfit selected depending on her mood and the situations she might expect to find herself in.

    Early Life 

    Darya Nikolayevna Zhukov was born on 20 April 1875 in Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, to Tatiana Ivanova, a housewife, and Nikolay Antonovich Zhukov, an executive in the oil industry. She has two brothers, Mikhail her twin who is older than her by several minutes and Kodiak (born --DATE NEEDED--).

    She lived in Saint Petersburg with her family until the family followed Nikolay's career to America in 1893.



    Early Childhood​

    Darya was described as a happy child, growing up with her siblings in an upper-middle class family provided for by her fathers well paid job in the blossoming oil industry. Thanks to his job she was afforded an education that most young girls her age were unable to obtain. She was educated in all of the usual subjects at school and was taught English by a private tutor at her fathers behest. She excelled in the subjects of literature and music. An avid reader and singer she often spent her free time indulging in these hobbies.


    As she grew older her parents sheltered her, because of this she was often in confrontation with her father or twin brother. Frustrated by the fact her parents would keep her sheltered at home whilst her brothers could go out as they pleased she would often sneak out of the house, often only to be found and brought home a few hours later to face the repercussions. During these excursions she would often spend her time visiting friends, browsing the various markets in the city or simply sat on the banks of the Neva reading a book.

    Moving to America

    In January 1893 Darya, now aged 17, was given the news that the family would be moving to America as her father had accepted a job with an oil company there. She immediately despised the idea of moving to another country and protested it vehemently to her father but her protests repeatedly fell on deaf ears. Since she was unmarried and not courting her father ignored her objections and gave her no choice but to join the family on their journey across the ocean.

    Setting off on the sea the steamboat they were aboard stopped briefly for a day in England before continuing across the Atlantic. The journey was relatively uneventful and several weeks later the ship came into port in Virginia. The Zhukov's new home.

    A new life

    A Fresh Start​

    They had moved into a reasonably large house on the outskirts of Richmond and the move to America worked out better than Darya had expected. Her fathers job meant that he was away from home travelling the country for roughly six months of the year. This gave her some respite between his bi-monthly visits home. This respite allowed her to come out of her shell somewhat, feeling more comfortable and confidant and thanks to this she grew very close with her mother. Despite this new found confidence she struggled to feel at home in this new society and did not make any new friends.


    On February 16th 1895 Darya's world collapsed. Her mother and father had gone into town to run errands and take care of some financial matters. Whilst at the bank a gang of outlaws entered the premesis and took them and several other patrons at gunpoint with the intention of using them as barganing chips if the law made an appearance.

    Make an appearance they did and it wasn't long before negotiations broke down and a gunfight broke out. The deputies did not to enter the bank, choosing instead to fire indiscriminately through the windows. When the dust had settled, the smell of gunpowder filled the air. All members of the gang lay dead inside the bank along with several patrons. Among those that lay dead were Nikolay and Tatiana, killed by stray bullets fired blindly by the lawmen.

    The news of this incident came crashing into Darya's life when the sheriff and his deputies came to search their home. Their parents were being accused of being involved in the robbery and the sheriff was trying to find anything he could prove it, thus absolving his deputies of killing innocent people. During this process their home was ransacked. Money and valuables were taken, leaving the Zhukovs almost penniless. When the attention of the lawmen turned to Darya and her siblings, Mikhail quickly made the decision for them to leave so not to become embroiled in the conspiracy being fabricated by the sheriff.

    With nothing but the clothes on their back, a fist full of dollars and a revolver posessed by Mikhail they started the journey away from their home. Making use of the revolver, Mikhail acquired a wagon from a merchant on the road to make their travels easier.



    Present Life 








    Darya Nikolayevna Zhukov















    St. Petersburg, Russian Empire



    Marital Status:



    Mikhail Zhukov - Twin Brother
    Kodiak Zhukov - Younger Brother
    Georgy Zhukov - Cousin




    Dasha - Diminutive name

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