Ellie Kingston

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    Daisy Elizabeth Kingston (16 January 1884), who goes by under the nickname Ellie, is a young sixteen-year-old English immigrant who arrived in New Alexandria early in the year 1900. Formerly from a prominent family and now in her lowest, Ellie’s story is of growing up in a foreign world and with no real and useful skills, just the knowledge from fiction books she used to love.

    Early Life 

    Ellie was born in London into an upper-middle-class family of a businessman named Archibald Kingston. Archibald, or “Archie” as he was called at home, was a bicycle manufacturer and a co-founder of a Sunbeam Company of London. He was a rather proud and bold man with a fondness for toffees and chocolate cakes. His wife, Josephine Ellen Kingston née Barker, was according to him the only woman he could ever marry. They were best friends and madly in love with each other.
    Due to the harmonic family relationships and stress-free environment, Ellie had a wonderful childhood. At the age of five, she started her education at a nearby private school where she excelled as she proved to be a very bright child with a passion for learning. Her favourite subject by far was music and for a brief moment, she considered becoming a musician in the future.
    Sadly nothing that seems to be perfect on the outside is perfect on the inside and while Ellie lived her wonderful life of a happy and privileged young lady, her father struggled. His business partner, greedily seeking control and a maximum amount of money, took over the company and forced Archibald to leave. However, as the proud man he was, Archie didn’t want to let his ex-partner win that easily. He took out another loan and started a rival company, the Sundown Company. Mister Kingston was more than sure of his own future victory, he believed his clients would come back to him, causing the other company to go bankrupt. Well, he was wrong.
    Maintaining a brand new business, a great house in London, his wife and daughter AND repaying loans was slowly becoming impossible. But Archibald was too proud to accept his defeat and tried many things, legal and illegal, to get him out of debts. He tried everything to bring Frederic Barnes, his ex-business partner, down. On one Sunday evening, Archibald Kingston was found dead in an alleyway near the Sunbeam Company’s headquarters. Neither Josephine nor Ellie know what happened that night and they will probably never know.
    Archibald Kingston’s death started a downward spiral. First, the bank confiscated the Sundown Company’s factory, then tried to take their house. Although Josephine did her best at trying to regain control over their financial situation, the money they had left quickly disappeared in an attempt to pay off their debts. It didn’t work that well, there was simply no money left except Ellie’s dowry.
    But desperate situations call for desperate measures. Josephine Kingston used her daughter’s dowry to purchase two tickets for a boat heading over the Atlantic. The plan was to change their names and start a new life somewhere far away, somewhere where the debts wouldn’t follow. And so the mother and daughter fled England.
    During the journey, Josephine fell ill as did many other passengers in the steerage. Ellie took care of her mother as best as she possibly could but weakened by stress and poor diet Josephine Kingston died of typhus before they reached American land. She is buried in a mass grave just outside of New York.

    Present Life 

    January 1900
    Ellie arrived in the new world with no money, no one to talk to and nowhere to go. For the first time in her life, she was all alone and there was no one she could trust.
    The first night was the hardest. Clueless, cold and scared she sneaked into a barn where she hid in hay and waited for morning. She couldn’t sleep and spent most of the night drawing her mother’s face in her diary, thinking about what to do next.
    Surprisingly, she didn’t think about stealing a horse as she was a good girl and good girls follow the rules. However, that's exactly what happened. Perhaps it was more of a spur of the moment thing but soon after the sun came up, Ellie found herself galloping far away from the farm on a horse she later named Mr. Duck. And so a brand new chapter of her story started in a place called New Alexandria.

    After many days of wondering New Alexandria alone, sleeping in the woods and washing in a river she decided to head to a place named Coyote Crossing Ranch as she knew they offer jobs to people in need. She got this information from people in Valentine and after reading a general telegram, she gathered all her bravery and headed down. A woman named Aurora Mae offered her a place as a stable hand and Ellie accepted. Coyote Crossing then became her new home and people in there her second family.

    February 1900

    • Got her first pair or pants
    • She experienced her first robbery but she was left alone and nothing was taken from her
    • Almost drowned on a trip to Mexico but was saved by locals and brought to Tumbleweed
    • She got her first gun, two of them actually, from two lovely people
    • Met a red-haired boy named Dee Dee who took her on many adventures
    • Ellie and Dee Dee started courting. They also spent the whole Valentine's Day together
    • Moved out of the ranch to Beecher's Hope
    • Got a dog and named him Alfie (Also known as Doggo Pete, Pasta, Pizza, Dogless and Good Boy). They met him in Valentine, he ran up to them and was very friendly. They later adopted him.
    • Made Dee Dee cry
    • Caught on fire while not being careful enough around a campfire
    • Was given a promise ring and later an engagement ring
    March 1900
    Remains to be seen


    Coyote Crossing Ranch


    "I cannot be alone. When I am alone, the darkness gets me. I don't want the darkness to get me.“

    "I love how free wild horses are. Like birds."

    "I might be tiny but I am as dangerous as you!"

    "ARE YOU OKAY?!"

    "I don't want to hurt anyone, ever."

    "It's so pretty."

    "Sometimes I feel like everything is my fault. Even if it seems like it is not."

    After her first kiss: "Well... that... that was very unladylike."

    "I'm the scariest outlaw of all, I'm the worst! The most dangerous! I robbed so many places and yet no one knows about me! I'm invisible!"


    Has a little diary filled with dried flowers, sketches of things she has seen and little thoughts and short texts. She doesn't write in it regularly though but only when there are too many things on her mind.

    Once she puts on a dress she starts paying attention to what she does and what she says.

    She's pretty good with horses. Sometimes she feels like horses are the only creatures that actually understand what she feels without talking about it.

    She is afraid of everything but she's trying her best to be brave. Her biggest fear, however, is being left alone and that is something she cannot be brave about.

    She has never hurt anyone.

    Ellie Kingston









    4'11"/151 cm




    January 16, 1884


    London, UK



    Marital Status:

    Engaged to Derek McGee


    Archibald Kingston (father)
    Josephine E. Kingston (mother)


    Stable hand


    Miss El

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