Evelyn Carter

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  • Description 

    A rather petite woman with soft lightly tanned skin and fiery red hair. A rather prevalent scar can be seen on her left cheek and is clearly caused by a knife being drug across the skin. Notably wears an eye-patch due to the loss of her eye in an accident.

    Early Life 

    Evelyn was an orphaned child, her birth parents killed by a group of bandits in her home state of Missouri. She was adopted and raised by a tribe of natives after they found her as just a baby in the forests near her home. She was taught to hunt at an early age as was the tradition among her adopted family, by age eleven she had become skilled in the tracking of animals, she would become an expert tracker and would later be contracted to assist bounty hunters and law enforcement in tracking down the most heinous of fugitives. She would later go on assist in taking down one of the largest outlaw groups, receiving awards from the governor of the state for the work she contributed. After many years of assisting the bounty hunters and law enforcement across the lands she grew tired of the life she was living, feeling more like a tool then a person that is part of a team she would hand in her badge to the sheriffs office. Now free from her work in tracking down people as if they were animals, she would return back to her home, a diminutive and peaceful camp located in the lush forests away from any major towns. All was calm at the camp as Evelyn sat around the warm fire conversing with her family, but unknown to her she was followed by stragglers from a gang she assisted in taking down, the angry and hostile group swarmed the camp and held everyone at gun point. Evelyn terrified for what may happen screamed out "Leave them alone" as if that would sway the captures to actually let go of the people she called family, after her outburst one of the gang members turned and flashed a crooked smile at her as he fired a round into the head of her adopted mother, Evelyn who was being held by one of the other gang members let out a loud cry and screamed out in anguish as she tried to wriggle free of the man restraining her. It was at this point that the man holding her adopted father looked over to her and with a blank stare fired a round into his head and dropped him upon the ground, the man then walked over to her and took out his blade.. placing it against her cheek, "This will serve as a reminder to not mettle in matters you do not understand" he said as he pressed the blade into the skin, dragging it along and leaving a deep cut that would leave a scar, a constant reminder of what happened that day. The man holding her then hit her behind the knees, causing her to fall onto the ground as they all went to their horses and rode away, leaving Evelyn to lay there with her now dead family, sobbing and holding onto her cheek as blood flowed from the wound left by the mans knife.

    Present Life 
















    November 11th, 1881



    Lakota Sioux/Irish

    Marital Status:



    Father: Mahkah: Deceased
    Mother: Lizzy Carter: Deceased
    Lakota Tribe: Deceased


    Coyote Crossing, Medical Trainee


    Eve, Evee, Evie

    Faction Affiliations: