Everett Thompson

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    Everett Thompson is a 23 year old man born in Spring Hill, TN. His mother had passed during his delivery, and instead he lived with his father & a paid Governess/Babysitter, Jane Dutton. He is a calm man who really doesn't ever lose his cool. His loyalty is with that of his friends & family, especially they family he gets to choose. He does not like getting messed around with, he makes a point when he must, and he listens to who he respects.

    Early Life 

    On the evening of October 2nd, 1876 - In Spring Hill Tennessee, Everett Thompson was born to an engaged couple by the names of Isabella Jackson & Wyatt Thompson. While Jane was giving birth to Everett, she suffered from an unrecognized condition at the time known as eclampsia. Jane had suffered a seizure post-delivery and unfortunately passed soon after, leaving Wyatt Thompson to care for his son, Everett.
    Throughout Everett’s early years, his father had hired a lady by the name of Jane Dutton to assist in taking care of Everett, as Wyatt knew he could not do it alone. Not only did Jane take care of Everett throughout his infant & childhood years, but she also doubled as a Governess, hired by Everett’s father to teach Everett basic Math & English studies. Although Jane was hired by her father to take care of Everett, he had no issue titling Jane as his mother, and Jane titling Everett as her son.Throughout Everett’s years, he was primarily raised by Jane Dutton, his father primarily being slightly absent due to work. Everett would constantly ask his father what he did for work, but his father seemed ashamed and unwilling to share. Everett had grown confused as to what his father would do for work, vanishing for days, to weeks at a time- leaving Everett with Jane for the time in between. Everett tried not to let it bother him too much, he knew his father tried hard to get food on the table, and was successful in doing so. This was enough to keep Everett’s mind at bay for the time.
    When Everett wasn’t at home studying with Jane, Everett would walk to the nearest town where previously he had met a group of local boys that he happened to fall in with. The group of boys considered themselves all friends, and would commit petty theft from pickpocketing, swindling people through lies & false promises of work, and plenty of other mischievous ways. Everett usually stayed back & decided to not involve himself with any of their acts, however it was only a couple of months before he mustered up enough “courage” and decided to try it out for himself. Everett, being rather new at these petty crimes, would instantly recognize that he was not too skillful when it came to pickpocketing & hidden crimes. Due to the repeated failure of Everett’s actions, he would constantly be beaten on by the ‘victims’ of his attempted crimes. The more he got beat, the more he began to defend himself, there was a period in which weeks would go by where Everett’s face was always swollen, red, or purple in some way due to his mischievous acts. Jane would constantly ask him when he got home what was the source behind his injuries, but Everett would always lie or shrug her off, claiming it was a horse riding accident, or something similar. Of course, Jane never bought his stories & continued to worry for Everett.
    As months went on, Everett became quite the experienced fighter. He began to defend himself to his best ability when he were to get attacked, almost to a point where he’d win the majority of the fights he’d get himself wrapped up into. After a certain point, Everett had realized that the petty crime was not doing too much for himself nor his financial status. While talking with his group of friends in town, Everett came up with the idea to start hosting rather “under the table” fighting sessions. Him and his group of friends began making a small, but profitable source of income through the fights. Everett personally participated and bet on himself when he did decide to scuffle with any one who decided to go against. Once the early fall had come around and the weather became rather cold, Everett & his friends decided to put a halt to the fights until the upcoming spring.
    Now 16 years old, Everett was told by his father that he would be “gone for work” for a couple weeks, and wouldn’t be returning until the early winter. Roughly 1 month & a half had passed after that day and Everett’s father had yet to return. Everett, naturally worried for his father’s absence, had no idea what to do. Everett figured that now he was 16, he was a full grown man and was ready to set off into the world, and possibly even come across his father out in the vast state of Tennessee. Everett packed and mounted his steed, a Bloodbay Thoroughbred named Yosemite. Everett mounted his horse & began a journey to Nashville, TN. A rather large town just 30 miles north of his current position of Spring Hill, TN.
    After a couple days worth of riding, the winter became more unpleasant the further Everett travelled north. Everett’s journey to Nashville took longer than expected as Everett would stop by smaller towns on the way, before eventually reaching his destination. Once Everett reached Nashville, he encountered a rather older gentleman who had owned a ranch just outside of Nashville. Everett, not looking to stay directly in the center of Nashville, decided that the ranch would be a good isolated area to reside for a bit if he could possibly score some sort of ranch hand position in order to stay at the ranch. Upon meeting the owner of the ranch, Everett was upfront about what he’s done, and what he is capable of. The older gentlemen decided that rather than “wasting” Everett’s “talent” on being a ranch hand, Everett could help him sell opium to locals within Nashville. The ranch owner told Everett that he would be giving Everett 10% of the profits he’d make from the Opium sales. Everett begrudgingly took the offer, knowing it wasn’t much; but it was something to keep a roof over his head & food in his mouth with some coins in his pocket.
    Everett found that he was rather good at selling Opium, presenting rather convincing offers & false promises through the effects of Opium. As time went on, Everett continued selling opium throughout Nashville, although he did have some repeating customers, one customer in particular stood out, a girl who seemed just a couple years younger than himself who went by the name Thistle. Thistle was responsible for most of Everett’s sales of Opium. She would buy large amounts, but would struggle paying at times. Everett, not really knowing why, noticed that Thistle was rather strange in ways. In an odd sense, he felt sympathetic and would often assist in giving her more opium than what she could pay for. Overtime, Everett & Thistle began having chats and hung out together more than just for the purpose of providing Opium to a customer. They became acquainted with each other in a rather friendly manner. The more often the two began to spend time together, the more Everett realized that there were more layers to Thistle than he thought. One day, Everett had noticed that Thistle was acting more strange than usual, Thistle had seemed almost manic, not in control of a rapidly growing need for more opium. During the time Everett had spent with her after she was clearly unwell, Everett realized that she needed help. Help that Everett alone could not provide. Everett did not know who he could get, or what he could get to assist Thistle, until he met a pair of men, the men being Luther Creed & Devil Reece. At the time of meeting Creed & Reece, Everett had been roughly 21 years old, and Thistle was 19. Everett had approached Reece & Creed, a pair he had barely known, but had the feeling they’d be able to assist Thistle in the issues she had ongoing. Reece had invited both Everett & Thistle to stay with him for a time throughout some time. Everett, not considering what he might leave behind, decided to accept the offer that Reece had put forward. From that point on, the friendship between Everett & Thistle, along with the bond they both shared with Reece & Creed simply grew stronger and stronger as the days went on. The willingness that Reece & Creed had dedicated to assisting both Everett & Thistle had practically secured Everett’s loyalty and trust to the two men.

    Present Life 

    (Currently being RP'd out.)


    Devil Reese and his Devil Boys



    Everett Thompson











    193 lbs


    October 2nd, 1877


    Spring Hill, Tennessee


    American English

    Marital Status:

    Not interested.


    Isabella Jackson (Mother, Deceased)
    Wyatt Thompson (Father, Presumed Alive)
    Jane Dutton (Care-Taker, Alive)





    Faction Affiliations:

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