Faoilain Gallagher

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  • Faoilain Gallagher (Now Lancaster)


    A tall Irish man. 39 years old, grey/white in hair and beard. Lean and athletic. Generally wears casual brown coloured clothes, jeans, and leather coats. However recently has been seen wearing his uniform most of the time with a black leather coat, ready to clock in at all times. Half of his face looks scarred and he is missing his left eye which has been replaced with a fake eye made with Sapphire and Lapis.

    Early Life 

    Faolain Gallagher was born in the streets. Named by his mother he was left on the doorstep of Owen and Claire Gallagher's home. Owen had been unfaithful and laid with another woman. This woman left town but left the baby with the man that sought to see her gone. His father took him in of course and after many arguments and fights, The duo decided to look after him anyway. The mother put Faolain to work at the age of 6 cleaning stables and feeding the horses. The father was consumed with his paperwork and officiating of the military. A couple of years later, Claire becomes pregnant with a boy.

    The child that was born was given the name Aodhan and christened shortly thereafter as a catholic. Faolain was not christened however for he was a bastard. He was 9 years old and watched from the sidelines as they raised the child to be oblivious to Faolain. 7 years passed and Faolain reached the age of 16. He’d bully Aodhan. Show him how to whittle a horse hoof and laugh when he’d fall over or hurt himself. Eventually though the anger subsided as they bonded one day over fighting. When he was 19 and Aodhan was 10. Aodhan didn’t give up. For a 10 year old he was tough. So he decided to give Aodhan his hat. They became good friends.

    Unfortunately their father never returned from the south african war. Aodhan was heartbroken and Claire made Faolain swear not to tell Aodhan who he really was. So Faolain had to act like he wasn’t as upset as Aodhan. Even though Owen was his father also. He had worked the stables and was the farm's farrier now for about 8 years. After some time passed. Aodhan had turned 17. And Faolain was 26. Their mother died. Faolain took this as an opportunity to leave in the night. He decided to go to America and leave Aodhan to pick up the pieces as they had argued about why he was still around.

    When Faolain arrived in Boston he quickly integrated into the Irish population there. He began his career as a miner. However about 2 years in he discovered that there was a group of irish folk taking cuts of payments. When he questioned this he was beaten bloody. Admiring his tenacity to fight back though, the gang decided to take him on. It was at this point that Faolain decided to write home to Aodhan. Who then received a letter back a week later saying he was moving to England. Disappointed at this news Faolain was pushing on with mob work. He beat people, he’d kill for money. He robbed stores, horses and particularly enjoyed fighting. All of this under the order of his superiors.

    One day though he got a letter from Aodhan telling him that he’s moved to the state. Faolain hadn’t heard from Aodhan in the 10 years he’d been in America since the first letter. Talked about a woman called Ivy and a business he’d opened up in a little town of New Alexandria called Valentine.

    So Faolain decided to cash in his earnings and leave the mob to go to Valentine to see his brother and tell him the truth. That'd be had been his brother the whole time. Of course when he got there, he found out his brother had died after falling off a rail bridge.

    Present Life 

    After finding out his brother was dead, Faolain decided to stick around in Valentine. He rebuilt a new farrier business that also sold conveniences to newer folk in state. Tools, food etc. however it mostly focused on Horse care. He got to know Ivy particularly well Eventually developing feelings for her and began dating her. They are now Married.

    He was a bounty hunter for quite a while until a serious head injury eventually caused him to find a different career. After floating around state he has now settled with the DOP at Sisika. Now a watchman he is usually around when needed and if he isn't he's on that island. He prides himself on being a Watchman that cares for everyone including the inmate's. He's trying his best to better the men and women in Sisika much to his detriment sometimes. He holds the rest of his co-workers in very high regard. Particularly Duke, Quinn, Olivia, Apollo, Evaline and Gale. He doesn't see the rest as often as he would like. Known for his kindness he has a habit of trying to make sure everyone is treated fairly.


    Ivy Lancaster


    "Best to be the fool sometimes. That way they will let their guard down."


    Faoilain has a 2 year old son called Daniel Gallagher

    Faolain Lancaster













    11th July 1864


    Belfast, Ireland left on a doorstep in Clogh, Kilkenny with "adoptive" parents



    Marital Status:

    Married to Ivy Lancaster




    Watchman of Sisika Penitentiary



    Faction Affiliations:
