Hayley Aberfeld

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  • Hayley Ann Aberfeld


    Hayley is a very short, brunette, woman. Her love of the outdoors has caused her hair to show some lighter brown streaks as a result of sun exposure. Her predominant colour of clothing is red, which she jokes is in order to hide the blood of her victims. She has dark hazel coloured eyes, and very pale skin. Her hail is quite long, and she prefers putting it into a half-up-half-down style. The pony-tail part is secured with a band of red flowers. There is no sentimental meaning behind these. She purchased them when she first stepped off the boat into Blackwater. But she loves them with all her heart, and will try to wear them as much as she can.
    She has a 4cm scar on her forehead. She is self-conscious of this, so keeps it covered with a small chunk of her fringe. Additionally, the left-hand side of her body is covered in scars from wolves, which were the bane of her existence before practising shooting. Consequently, she continues to experience some pain if knocked or touched on her left side. Her back is covered in a large burn scar, and the scarring from multiple gunshots and what appears to be permenant trauma from railway tracks.

    She is often seen with a smile - even if sometimes it is forced. A simple, warm "howdy" and she is on her way...her fear and anxieties around people stem from her upbringing, and can sometimes come across as rude to those who are unfamiliar with her.
    She carries a sidearm, but prides herself on her non-violent way of living. She cannot stand the thought of shooting someone. However, this has landed her in some trouble, when she doesn't want to point guns. Being an avid hunter, she can be seen with a knife and a lasso attached to her gunbelt, as well as a Schofield Revolver.

    Early Life 

    She speaks very, very, rarely about her childhood and life before moving to New Alexandria. But has opened up about it to a select few. She told them of how she was born in the South-west England countryside, to her father David, and mother Penny. She grew up as an only child, but sometimes wishes she had a sibling whom she would be able to ahve a childhood with. Her parents owned a small farm with a work horse named Gardner, some ducks, chickens, and a goat. Their primary source of income was harvesting home-grown vegetables. Upon turning 10 years old, Hayley took ahold of the farming responsabilities, subsequently spending a lot of time with their horse, Gardner. Over time, she found a lot of comfort in his presence. He was there to provide a non-judgemental ear when her mother would be too busy caring for her father.

    On a cold, wet day in February, shortly before her 14th birthday, David passed away. Her mother was showing clear signs of struggling with keeping up with everything, and grief turned her cold-hearted; thinking of Hayley's existence as an inconvenience - more money to spend to feed her. Hayley accepted that her mother would never be the same when she turned 15 years old. She upheld her responsabilities and chores, and when she wasn't working, she would often spend time with Gardner in his paddock. They would sit together atop a hill on the property; she would draw, write, read, or birdwatch. They lived close to the coast, so she when she could she would walk down to draw the waves, and listen to the birds. Everyone she speaks to disagrees, but she finds great enjoyment in hearing seagulls. Between the farm and the beach, there was a small patch of brush. Goldfinches are her favourite bird, and she enjoyed watching them playfully hop from branch to branch amongst that brush. She considers the time spent alone or with Gardner, and how her mother wronged her, to be the reason why she prefers horses over people.

    On her 16th birthday, she was given her late father's journal. It included a plethora of photographs and annotations, which lead to her realisation that he was Canadian. She likes to ocassionally mention this to people who enquire about her past, and uses it to cover up the rest of her childhood. Focussing on the one thing she is openly comfortable talking about. Due to old age, and consequently an inability to work, Gardner was humanely put to sleep when Hayley was 17 years old. Finding no more reason or justification to stay, she saught to learn more about her late father's Canadian heritage. She travelled to Ontario, and stopped in New Alexandria on the way over. She met a ginger-haired, free-spirited lady named Viola (Vee) who became a beloved pen-friend through letters once she left again for Canada. Over a 4 year period of travelling, Hayley was convinced by Vee to move to the states.

    Present Life 

    Her permenant move to New Alexandria was an anxious one. Vee was her only friend in a large community filled with criminals. Coming from a relatively quiet life, and moving to a place where she would have to keep a weapon on her 24/7, was one she feared. She found comfort in Vee, and the presence of her friends - Joy, Carmine, Harley, Aaron, and Tobi. While finding a path during this new chapter, she came across a young Arabian stallion. With the suggestion of Vee, she named the horse Spitfire due to his colour and speed. One day, there was some commotion outside of the Valentine saloon, and it was discovered a man had stolen Spitfire. He was found at the entrance of Lakay, covered in some superficial cuts. That man was also the first person she shot. Hayley made it her mission to get him back to full health. She taught herself equine veterinary science and care by reading for hours and hours on how to best help her horse. She began treating other people'es horses when required, although not openly advertising, and relying on word of mouth. During a time when Macfarlane's Ranch was the hub for a war between the People of the Trees and the Comanche, there was a shootout and multiple horses were shot in the process. She was working on one of them totally alone, but suceeded in removing the bullet and the horse eventually made a full recovery. From then until August 1901, she veered away from providing veterinary services due to how traumatised she was from the chaos and events that she witnessed. She stopped teaching herself, and focussed her attention on horse training.

    Her first forary into this was through a young stallion she adopted from Armadillo. He had been neglected, was unfit, and unhandled. He was extremely afraid of people, but Hayley took 3 months to rehabilitate him to a point where he was safe enough to slowly begin riding him. Fletcher showed a lot of enthusiasm and interest in riding him - which she admired - therefore she allowed him to be the first to hop on. Marshall tested her abilities as a new trainer, and there were multiple times when she considered passing him onto someone with more experience. But her attachment to him spurred a determination to finish what she started, and to keep her promise to him to put him first above all else, and to try her hardest. Coming out of it with a horse who had turned over a new leaf (and Hayley still being alive), motivated her to expand her knowledge and experience by working as a professional trainer. She finally listened to the encouragement giving to her by friends, and applied for a position at the McCoy's Veterinary Clinic & Adoption Center.

    She got the job, and initially was very nervous of the new position. She hadn't been responsible for other people's horses in months, so was afraid that she might do the wrong thing or worse. She still has a constant fear that something is going to happen while she is out training one of the client's horses, but doesn't let it stop her from putting the job and the horse first. She purchased a young Kladruber named Magnus, and trained him up as a deputy horse. It was her first time doing this, and she decided to purchase the horse herself as a first step into that specific line of work, since it would be better to mess up with her own horse rather than an unknown client who was expecting the best of the best.

    She has tried her best to remain on the right side of the Law, but it has been tested a few times. In January of 1901, she was kidnapped by The Cossacks. They took her from Valentine before placing her at the top of a cliff above a railway track. They informed her that it was to "get their point across to the deputies". She was shot down the cliff onto the tracks, and dragged behind a horse up to Valentine, before being dumped at the porch of the Sheriff's door. She suffered multiple broken ribs, gunshots, and scarring from the railway tracks. She lost a lot of faith in the Sheriff's Office from then, blaming them for her physical and emotional trauma she had to endure as a result. Carmine, Denver, and her were on a hike one evening when they were attacked by the Rainbow Gang. They made Hayley decide who of her friends should be shot. She refused to make the decision, so they shot Carmine's foot, whacked Denver in the abdomen with a shotgun, and smacked her over the head 3 times with a pistol. Some brain trauma occured as a result, and she blames the the Senior Deputy who attempted to help her, but gave her advice that caused her to experience some memory loss. She lost all faith in the Sheriff's Office, taking matters into her own hands, when Carmine was shot by the Jackdaws, and in her eyes it seemed that the deputies didn't think to offer any sort of punishment to those who shot him. She hates speaking about this time in her life, and gets frustrated and upset when people mention it. As some sort of retaliation for what they did to Carmine, she kidnapped and shot Dot Reigns, a member of the Jackdaws. She kept it to herself for about a week, until she told her friends, and turned herself in. She realised the mistakes she made could land her in a lot more of a severe situation than Sisika, therefore proceeded to write an apology to Dot's husband, Bear, who was the leader of the Jackdaws at the time. It managed to get her out of any danger from them.

    Spitfire ~
    Warped brindle - Arabian - Stallion
    The horse she has owned the longest. She purchased Spitfire in September of 1900, 1 month into her move to New Alexandria. She often calls Spitfire "jowlik" which is Cornish for "little devil", due to his crazy temperament.
    He is 9 years old, but acts like he is still an oblivious and chaotic foal.

    Fritz ~
    Black Snowflake - Appaloosa - Gelding
    Originally purchased as a temporary horse to see her through a hurricane in November 1900, Fritz (renamed Fritzgerald by Fletcher) soon became one of her most treasured companions. She hates to talk about it, but if pestered she might tell that Fritz was there by her side when her best friend, Vee, passed away. They sat together for hours, with no judgement or talking.
    Fritz is her oldest horse, at the age of 14 years old. He still loves to go for a swim, and often accompanies her on short hunting trips, or flower picking.

    Marshall ~
    Black - Turkoman - Gelding
    The horse who really tested her abilities as a trainer. She adopted Marshall from a stable in Armadillo, where he was due to be loaded onto a train and taken to slaughter. He was in poor condition, and had a few medical conditions, most nostably laminitis. She spent 3 long months training him into a riding horse, and still considers him in training 8 months later, due to his unpredictable temperament.
    He is very young, at just 5 years old. Through some training and maturing, Hayley believes he will be a very reliable and loyal companion.

    Caesar ~
    Spotted tricolour - Norfolk roadster - Stallion
    Caesar was another of Fletcher's old horses, whom she purchased from him in July of 1901. Much like the others, she grew attached to Caesar very quickly. Although a very dark week, she considers Fletcher's kidnapping by The Fish, to be the reason why the pair of them have bonded so well. He is extremely loyal, kind-hearted, and loves attention.
    Caesar is believed to be approximately 7 years old, therefore he does have his moments whereby his age really shows through. But for the most part he is very mature.

    Apollo ~
    Buckskin - Mustang - Stallion
    Her newest horse, but by no means does this mean she hasn't grown attached to him. Apollo was given to her by a good friend, Tobi Hunter. Another friend of hers, Denver, owned a horse very similar named Areia. He only allowed her to ride her once for a few hours, but in those few hours she discovered her love of Mustangs. Upon befriending Rueb, she quickly learned that she would have to purchase a Mustang, similar to his, named T-Bone, in order to keep up with him darting around state when he was on duty. Knowing that she loved the colour of Areia, she opted to seek out a similar horse. Although she didn't end up with the same colour, her discovery that Tobi had a horse whom she knew could keep up with T-Bone, she immediately jumped at the chance to purchase Apollo from Tobi. She instantly fell in love with him, for he is a very obediant, loyal, and reliable companion.


    Darion Rueb
    "That's my Marshall"
    Hayley's best friend (...it's complicated) They were introduced by Joy Goode, who "forced" Rueb to "babysit" Hayley for a few hours. Rueb noticed that Hayley was often under a lot of stress, and Hayley noticed that Rueb would rarely clock off and relax. They started "Hunt and Vent Club", whereby they would open up and speak freely about anything and everything. She considers him as someone she would be lost without, if it weren't for his friendship. His clumsiness and constant attempts to make her smile and laugh, regardless of the physical pain it brings him, is something she strongly admires and appreciates. She has never known how to feel about being so close to someone, so constantly doubts whether she would be good enough for him, sometimes meaning she is unsure how to reciprocate how he treats her. Rueb is someone she loves wholeheartedly but she struggles to admit how she feels about people.

    Fletcher Beckett
    Their friendship initially developed when Carmine took them both on a day out of wagon shenanigans. The day remains a vivid memory in her mind, and she thinks about it whenever she is upset or lonely, as it reminds her of quieter, adventurous, and more peaceful times. She has always looked up to him as a role-model, due to his forgiving, selfless, and humerous personality.

    Denver Frost
    "The only person to call me an Ant and get away with it"

    Hayley will never shy away from admitting that Denver basically instilled a love of hunting in her. The way he spoke about it, as well as a few hunting trips together, encouraged her to pursue it by herself. He also taught her how to cope with insults and jokes, by constantly offering a daily insult or joke about her.

    Viola "Vee" Schidlowski (deceased)
    Her oldest friend before she arrived in New Alexandria. She was murdered in November of 1900, and she has kept those who did it a secret, and will continue to do so. The first person she had to search through the state on a wild goose chase, which lead to Hayley developing some sort of satisfaction - or even enjoyment - out of looking for missing people.


    - "Life is about surviving, not winning."
    - "Love means sacrifice."
    - "I don't have my angry bones ready yet."
    - "Don't die."
    - "I didn't see you!"
    - "Totally wasn't scared..."
    - "I got robbed."
    - "I'm sorry!!"
    - "I-Uh-Ahhh-Umm-I-Ahhhhhhh-Uhhh-Beh!"


    - She has a distinct call that she teaches each of her horses - 3 short, sharp, whistles.

    - Her favourite book is Black Beauty.

    - She has a dog whom she cares about immensely ~ a black and white female Border Collie named Dakota.

    - She secretly loves to go flower picking by herself, as well as learning the meaning behind each species.

    - She hunts when she feels stressed or overwhelmed.

    - Red is her favourite colour, but also her "happy" colour - if she is unhappy, she won't wear red.

    - Despite her height, she is pretty strong, and can handle almost any breed of horse with ease.

    - She keeps a large amount of Violet Snowdrops in her saddlebag at all times ~ She hands them out to people as a sign of "hope", "good luck", and "new chapters" - especially if they are stressed or going through a bad period in their life.

    - She will openly admit that she has to attention span of a squirrel ~ if she sees an animal she likes, she won't hesitate to drop everything to see it closer.

    - She hates spending time with large groups of people - especially if she is unfamiliar with them.

    - She develops attachments to horses very quickly.

    - She has a fear of hammers ~ Fletcher was hit over the head with a hammer, and he was left close to death and comatosed, so she still carries that memory with her.

    Special Items
    - Handmade bow from Joy.

    Handmade wooden sculpture of a bear gifted to her by Rueb.

    - Handmade wooden sculpture of one of her horses - Spitfire - hand crafted and painted by
    Denver in Februay of 1901. It's small enough for her to carry it in her saddlebag, but for the most part keeps it on her nightstand.

    - Pressed violet snowdrop flower which serves as a bookmark in her favourite book - Black Beauty.
    Carmine asked Hayley on their first date with a bouquette of flowers, which included her favourite. She decided to dry and press one of them in the book and has kept it since January of 1901.

    - Prairie Poppy from
    Carmine - in his first "romantic" letter to her, he inserted a prairie poppy into the envelope. The flower has since served as a constant reminder of him.

    - Two Cardinal flowers from
    Rueb - he made her breakfast for the first time, and placed two freshly cut Cardinal flowers beside the plate. She keeps them in a jug on a shelf beside her bed.

    - Large red cowboy-styled hat. She used to wear it with absolutely everything. Was given to her by her late father as a 13th birthday gift. She rarely wears it now, but keeps it hung up on a hook as it will always remain special to her.

    - Double-action Revolver given to her by
    Fletcher after an almost daily bout of robberies and kidnappings from the Levi-Williams Gang in late 1900. She keeps it in a drawer on her nightstand.

    - A gold friendship ring that she shares with

    Hayley Aberfeld



    Trying to survive




    22 years old


    4ft11 - 149cm


    6st - 38kg


    July 1st, 1879





    Marital Status:

    Unmarried, single.


    David Aberfeld (father - deceased).
    Penny Aberfeld (mother - disowned)


    - Horse trainer - Retired
    - Equine Veterinarian - Retired


    - Chipmunk
    - Applepie
    - Tiny
    - Ant

    Faction Affiliations:

    McCoy's Veterinary Clinic & Adoption Center
    Rosewood Ranch