Helena Astor

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  • Helena Astor


    Stress-grayed hair and a bitter expression is the best way of describing Helena Astor. Her face, scarred from various incidents and her left eye a dark, crimson bubble from a gunshot wound. Despite her sisters pleading, her eye stays intact enough to keep in her skull and thus she rarely wears an eye-patch, seeing it as almost cliché.

    Early Life 

    “You’re just as bad, y’know”

    Her father would often turn to her and shout it after laying hands on her siblings. He could tell how much it bothered her to see her siblings in pain. Sometimes it felt like he would punish them harder in front of her, as if to teach her a lesson about how weak she was. It was usually Finnegan that saw the worst of it and she would often comfort him after her father finally passed out from his drunken fit.

    “You can’t help them, girly”

    That nickname, that petname, oh how she despised him but it was nothing compared to how much she hated seeing her siblings hurt. The bruising, the bleeding. The crying. She was the weakest of the triplets and her father saw that, he needed her to be strong, or so he would tell her. What he didn’t know was that she was strong, stronger than he ever thought she would be, strong enough to care for her siblings but also hurt those who tried to touch them. She’ll show him, she’ll teach him what it meant to be strong

    One day..​

    Present Life 

    She isn't the oldest of her family, nor the strongest, but shes one of the smartest of The Astors. At least, hidden behind her loud mouthed behavior and rough appearance. Helena Astor, former twin of Vivian Astor, has fallen almost mad over the loss of her sister. She lives everyday thinking of how she failed her, how she proved her fathers point by going on each and everyday without her sister. Protection, the only thing she ever sought to give her family was robbed from under her nose way too early. She isn't going to stop protecting her remaining family members but she still has to live with the guilt of what shes lost, what she couldn't save. Her Sister.

    If she isn't lost in a bar, Helena can be found riding amongst the various towns and cities in New Alexandria. She usually isn't alone, accompanied by at least one other family member most days, or some close friends​


    • The Astors (Family/Gang)​
    • The O'Sheas (Gang)​


    • "Can I wear a mask if I have a medical reason?"


    • Once indistinguishable from her twin sister Vivian, Helena now looks nothing like what her sister would look like if she were still alive​
    • Helena will proudly boast of her status of not only beating Jean Holt in a fist fight with one punch but also strangling him with relative ease on a second occasion​
      • Note: She also beat him in a fair fight​
    • Although she'll deny if for eternity, Helena bought a 20$ bottle of moonshine from Tobi Grey in Valentine during a drunken fit. To her family, she tells them he robbed her of the money in her pockets.​
    • Helena has gotten out of time in Sisika by assisting in medical treatment. She'll brag about digging Bullets from a tall strangers ribcage on occasion.​

    Helena Astor



    Holding in there (Alive)








    130 lbs




    European (Country origin unknown)

    Marital Status:



    • Finnegan Astor (Alive)
    • Locus Astor (Unknown)​
    • Vivian Astor (Deceased)​
    • Velora Astor (Alive)​
    • Grayson Astor (Deceased)​
    • Dean Astor (Alive)​
    • Bellamy Astor (Alive)​
    • Benjamin Astor (Alive)​
    • Lucius Astor (Deceased)​


    Alcohol induced outlaw medic


    • Renée Granger​
    • Vivian Astor​
    • Pumpkin Face​

    Faction Affiliations: