Hendrix Vance

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  • Hendrix Vance


    Hendrix Vance is a matured, taciturn individual who typically keeps himself to himself. He is quite reclusive and would rather be by himself than with others. A quiet man, he says very little and often only speaks when spoken to. Hendrix does not care if he has friends, often claiming that friends just get in the way.

    Being a veteran, Hendrix has seen many things that other people would never hope to see, he is often quite emotionless, not even flinching at the sign of blood or hurt. He once was a very sociable person, but after losing his family as well, Hendrix has aimed to shut off that part of himself seeming to believe that it inhibited his day-to-day life.

    Hendrix is extremely recognisable, sporting a face that is covered in scars from both his time as a soldier as well as his recent endeavours as a vigilante. He has brown/blonde hair that has been cut fairly short, whilst also having a thick brown moustache. His eyes are a very deep brown with somewhat visible bags beneath them. Hendrix does not tend to wear clothes that would make him stand out, most often seen wearing brown or grey outfits, styles that he has to draw the least amount of attention to himself as he can. Also, being the unknown vigilante that has been spotted around New Alexandria, Hendrix dons a heavily modified version of his old uniform from the U.S. Cavalry, having different variants for the daytime, nighttime, hot weather, and cold weather. But the one he is seen in the most is the original blue version.

    Hendrix does not smoke and he rarely drinks, he is very physically fit and aims to keep himself in that condition.

    Early Life 

    Hendrix was born to two unknown parents on the 14th September 1873, being taken from them and sent to an Orphanage almost instantly after birth. As he grew up, he become a very sociable young boy, often playing pranks on the nuns that ran the Orphanage and getting himself into trouble with the other children there. He gradually became reliant on the boys that he grew up with, coming to view them as essentially his blood brothers. He was taught by the nuns inside the Orphanage as he grew, becoming immensely religious due to this, yet he retained his boisterous attitude.

    At around 10 years old, after getting into a big amount of trouble from the nuns for setting fire to the toilets, Hendrix and some of the other boys were sent to an All-Boys Military School as an attempt to force some discipline into them. During his time in it, Hendrix became very patriotic from his teachings and him and his brothers would go around the streets showing off their uniforms and bragging about what they were doing. This was highly encouraged by the Military Officers who taught at the school, so the boys reveled in their newfound "importance". Hendrix kept his head focused during his studies, and graduated at 18 years old as the best of his class, being offered a position in the U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Regiment as a Lance Corporal immediately upon his graduation. He grasped this offer immediately, and enrolled in 1891. Many of his brothers enlisted into this regiment as well with him.

    During the next few years, Hendrix was moved around the U.S. with his regiment. Eventually, at 21 years old, he met an Alchemist named Hannah when stationed in Texas. She was also travelling the nation with a group known as "The Order of the Fallen Swallow" which was a very supernatural orientated group who investigated these supernatural things they sought out. Hendrix and Hannah grew very close, eventually beginning to date each other. And in 1896, Hendrix proposed to her and she accepted, going on to marry her in early 1897. The pair grew extremely close during this time, and began trying for children. Yet in April 1898, at the age of 24, Hendrix was called by the military to fight with the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. Due to this, he was transported and fought in Cuba, at which time he was ranked at Sargent. He exchanged many letters with Hannah, one of which informed him that he was going to finally be a father. Many excited letters were exchanged between the two during the time Hendrix was stationed, one that told Hendrix that he was to be a father to twins. In early December of 1898, soon before being given leave, Hendrix received a letter from a close family friend, Roberto Guster, informing him that Hannah and the unborn twins had passed away during childbirth. This news left Hendrix broken, and he tried hard to distract himself from the news as he pretended that if he acted like nothing happened then he did not have to face the music of this tragedy. He decided one way to do this was to take out his anger on the enemy, and he took his men and launched a huge assault against an enemy coastal fort. It ended up being an absolute bloodbath. Most of his men died, and Hendrix was heavily scarred by a shell that landed a few feet from him which exploded, sending shrapnel at him at full speed. Hendrix then spent months in a hospital bed, recovering from his injuries. His face was left changed, and upon being discharged, Hendrix left the military immediately as the more he thought about what he led his men into, the more he thought about Hannah, and the deeper into a hole he found himself.

    Hendrix had lost the person who he was before the war, and he had changed drastically. He was no longer bubbly, he was no longer sociable, he was no longer a person. He just felt like a shell. Hendrix never faced the grief he had felt for Hannah and his children, choosing to run from it, finding himself often reading the Bible alone for comfort. He spent the next 4 years travelling America aimlessly. He never stayed in one place for very long, yet as he travelled, he gradually began to take out his anger on people who he seen as scum. Those people who broke laws, or treat those around them badly. Often beating them up, taking them to the law, or outright tying them up and leaving them for dead. And in early 1903, he officially decided to go on a crusade against these people with the core belief that you should treat others as you wish to be treat as taught in the Bible. Eventually deciding to take his old uniform back out of an old trunk, modifying it heavily with clothes and various stitches, and donning it in order to hide his identity whilst fighting crime.


    Hendrix Vance in his modified military uniform, the vigilante outfit

    Present Life 

    Whilst travelling the country, Hendrix found himself in the state of New Alexandria. Unsure whether or not he would be staying for a while, he was very reserved about making acquaintances. Yet has found work at the Wild Hart Ranch which he hoped would be able to provide income whilst on his crusade. Seeking to find retribution for himself, he goes out of his way to hurt wrongdoers, unsure where to draw the line when it comes to punishment, still not decided on killing or not.

    He has no friends, no family, nobody. Hendrix is alone, but that's how he likes it.






    • Hendrix's vigilante outfit is a heavily modified version of the cavalry uniform he received upon graduation from Military School
    • The two large scars from shrapnel that are across the right of his face still contain small fragments of the shrapnel
    • He killed over 120 people during his time in the Spanish-American War
    • Hendrix was almost dishonourably discharged from the army for his massacre of an assault
    • He always carries a small photograph of himself and Hannah in his chest pocket
    • He has an issue with a lot of Law Enforcement, believing that they do not care about the people they are meant to protect
    • Out of the 14 "brothers" who joined the 1st Cavalry Regiment with Hendrix, only he survived the war
    • Hendrix is very emotionally attached to horses from his time in the military, treating his like they are family of his, often seen whispering to them
    • He does not smoke, drink, or gamble

    Hendrix Vance











    188 lbs


    Sep 14th 1869


    Atlanta, Georgia, USA



    Marital Status:



    Hannah Vance - Wife (Deceased)


    Rancher, Vigilante



    Faction Affiliations:
