Miss Bluebird
Himmel was born to Kerstin and Daniel Liljedahl in Kiruna, Sweden back in 1881. Her mother being Swedish and her father American, so Himmel quickly learnt both languages, Himmel's grandparents were Egyptian but she never lived there so she didn't learn the language. Her family were quite wealthy and Himmel was able to go to school during her childhood. She was sort of a quiet kid and would often be trying to do all sorts of new things, she absolutely loved learning and finding new things to do. A very curious and brave kid.
Himmel has very fair skin with moles scattered across her body. Her eyes are green and she's a brunette with natural straight hair after her father that she tends to curl to look fancier, but the rest of her appearance is more alike to her mother’s. She dresses quite smart and sophisticated, always clean and proper. Never a hair out of place on her! Himmel herself is quite the serious type as well, a serious, curious and kind girl. Who gets a little to excited when the topic of trains come up. She can also be very sassy!
Early Life
The Deputy in Louisiana
Himmel grew up in Kiruna, Sweden with her family but eventually her father, Daniel got work back in Louisiana, United States. So all the Liljedahl's decided to move to the United States together. Himmel was seven years old at the time they left for the United States and on the journey she turned eight.
Himmel fell absolutely in-love with the amazing deputies and sheriff’s there and decide right then and there that she wanted to become one when she was older. Which she eventually did become a deputy under state marshal Roy Cook when she turned eighteen. It was wonderful, all her dreams were coming true. But a vicious gang ended their happiness. They killed who knows how many horses and deputies. Only Roy and Himmel survived, barely. Himmel ended up falling into a coma for two months due to her severe injuries, no one thought she was going to survive. When she woke up Roy had already left for New Alexandria after hearing that the gang members were going to head there. Himmel wasted no time to follow him, still shocked and healing from her injuries she got on the train to New Alexandria. Himmel only spent a few days with her family to make sure she could properly function by herself.
Sadly due to all the injuries and being comatose for two months Himmel’s life changed incredibly much. She can no longer do deputy work, the injuries caused some sort of memory loss so she can’t remember most of the work and skills needed to be a deputy and if that wasn’t bad enough her shoulder healed in a difficult way making her unable to wield a long arm for a very long time. It crushed her to learn she’d be unable to be a deputy for a long time but she’s trying her best to find a new purpose in life while her shoulder heals.
Finding a purpose, 1903
Himmel arrived in New Alexandria November, 1903 and instantly started looking for Roy, she had no idea where he was or what he was doing but she knew he was somewhere in New Alexandria. She did eventually find him, luckily. So Himmel started her journey on becoming a doctor after reuniting with Roy. Roy also showed Himmel around most of the state, from Saint Denis down to Armadillo. She did end up liking Saint Denis the most somehow. Himmel now rents a room in Saint Denis where she mostly stays. She did travel to Emerald Ranch to buy herself a horse she spotted while being shown around by Roy though. Himmel then rode that horse, Mandelblomma like she named it, back to Saint Denis.
At the end of November 1903, Himmel sent an application to Frontier Railways to become a conductor. Since she's always been fascinated by trains and loved them since she was little. Working within the railway company would be a dream come true for her. And at the beginning of December 1903, Himmel was hired as a conductor at Frontier Railway Company. You'll often find Himmel frequenting Saint Denis following the end of 1903 since she lives in an apartment there.
Present Life
Deputy life again, 1904
At the start of January Himmel's shoulder finally healed so she could send in her Sheriff's office application to become a deputy again, sadly having to leave Frontier Railway Company to follow her deputy dream. Himmel also got her business Bluebird Station up and running with her childhood friend Hilda Krohn. And another friend from her past, Alice Lawson came to state to become a deputy with Himmel again.
Louisiana Sheriff's Office (1899-1903)
After moving to Louisiana, United States with her parents Himmel eventually joined the sheriff's office when she got old enough. Sadly a gang attacked and killed everyone except Roy Cook (The State Marshal) and Himmel herself, she almost died but narrowly escaped and ended up in a coma.
Frontier Railway Company (1903-1904)
Himmel applied to become a conductor at Frontier Railway at the end of November 1903 and was hired on as a conductor early December 1903. Sadly Himmel had to resign so she could join the Sheriff's office.
New Alexandria Sheriff's Office (1904-Currently)
Himmel sent in her application on January 2nd and had her orientation to become a deputy recruit on January 14th. She had her first ride-along the same day as her orientation.
"Excuse me?"
"What the fuck"
"It's the train!"
"Odd Odd"
"Life derailed me, but I’ve found a new track to follow."
"Trains remind me that no matter how far off course I go, there’s always a path back."
"The rails beneath my feet may shift, but I’ll always find my destination."
"I’m not the same as I once was, but who is after they’ve survived the impossible?"
Himmel has a heavy Swedish accent even though she lived most her life in Louisiana, United States.
She is a very quick learner and wants to learn new things all the time.
Himmel loves to help wherever she can.
She has an incredibly love for fruits and berries, all kinds. Her favourites are blueberries and apples.
Himmel has always been fascinated by trains. Choo choo.
She's quite curious about the world and loves learning.
Himmel has permanent damage to her left shoulder, making her unable to do certain things.
She tends to take things slow, she rarely ever rushes.
Himmel was taught how to play the piano by her brother, she rarely plays it in front of others though.
She loves the colour blue and almost always wears something blue, specifically dark blue and royal blue.
Himmel drinks an absurd amount of coffee.
She's does not enjoy dirt, mud and bugs at all.
Himmel sends letters back home from time to time.
Himmel Lawson
1,78 cm
Kiruna, Sweden
Swedish, American, Egyptian
Marital Status:
Married to Alice Lawson
Kerstin Liljedahl
Daniel Liljedahl
Hans Liljedahl
Lena Liljedahl
Emma Liljedahl
Owner of Bluebird Station
Deputy Recruit
Devil Woman
Himmel Liljedahl
Faction Affiliations:
Louisiana Sheriff's Office
Frontier Railway Company
New Alexandria Sheriff's Office