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  • Check out our Partnered Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying Community New Day RP!
  • The Jackdaws


    Created by Arthur ''Bear'' Reigns the Jackdaws are a gang who mainly commit crimes lesser crimes such as robberies until aggravated. Originally built up in New Austin the Outlaw group mainly operated to help New Austin even if it involved making deals with the Law. They are a group who recently has grown from connection's such as friendship and love interest which has only made the gang that much more dangerous during conflict.

    When it comes to their techniques the Jackdaw's have always preferred to only pull their guns when/if needed, circumstances where the Jackdaw's would draw first would be in situations such as treachery, snitching and already hurting a member of the Jackdaws.


    After starting the Jackdaws during the war against the Freemans, they went through allot of changes. After some of the members of the Jackdaws left state to deal with their own situations Bear was left alone in the state for quite a while and as he tried to keep the Jackdaws alive it almost crumbled until he decided to no longer wait on the old members. Bear choose to invite new people into his family, he has during this time gathered a good bunch of people that have the same view on the world as he does. And the Jackdaws are now stronger then EVER!



    The Jackdaws




    Date Founded:


    Arthur Reigns - Leader


    Scarlett Rose
    Alexis Reigns
    Terra Amor
    Victoria Diamond
    Ellie Jay
    Alex Walker

    Frida Cappelen
    Loke Cappelen
    Elizabeth Quinn
    Nina Faun
    Dot Reigns