Jacob Grey

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    A scarred man who came from England to New Alexandria looking for a new life in any way. Jacob Grey, through his silent and emotionless nature, is a person to get any job done by any means necessary. Even if it means charging in head on.

    Early Life 

    Jacob lived most of his life in England. Both in his birthplace of Yorkshire and then when he travelled to live in London later on.

    Throughout his youth he lived a troubled life, but still managed to push through strong for his family. At the age of 11 his father, a heavy drinker and gambler, left his family without a word. Never to be seen again. Leaving Jacob to look after his younger siblings with his mother.
    Up until the age of 20 when his mother had passed from illness, leaving Jacob to care for Michael and Kaitlin on his own. Starting by becoming employed which meant travelling down to London.

    His life was normal until years later he began to hit rock bottom after being let go from his previous job and losing his home. Causing him to become homeless. His sister leaving to marry into a rich family, and his brother losing his life by Jacob's side in their life of petty crime.

    It was until the age of 34, in the year 1899, when he managed to get enough money to get on a boat to America. More specifically New Alexandria.

    Present Life 

    Jacob currently works as one of the Lieutenant Deputies within the New Alexandria Sheriff's Office, choosing this line of work after assisting folks around him and leaving his work as security.

    He is currently known to spend his days patrolling the State of New Alexandria as a Sheriff's Deputy, or spend them hunting around the State of New Alexandria. Alongside his hobbies, he's mostly seen with friends within the Sheriff's Office or his wife.


    Molotov Family (Former Member)

    Ford & Sons (Former Worker)

    New Alexandria Sheriff's Office (Former Undersheriff)


    "That's your first mistake"

    "They aren't crazy. Everyone in New Alexandria is normal in their own crazy way"

    "You're disturbing my peace"


    - Jacob always wears a tan coloured coat that resembles his younger brothers coat.

    - When asked about his past by strangers or people he doesn't like, Jacob will always avoid the conversation topic. Unless they're a trusted person.

    - Jacob had never fired a gun before arriving in New Alexandria. His shooting became natural to him to the point he never leaves home without one.

    Jacob Grey













    February 12th 1865


    Yorkshire, England



    Marital Status:

    Single / Divorced


    Silas Grey (Father - Unknown)
    Katherine Grey (Mother - Deceased)
    Michael Grey (Brother - Deceased)
    Kaitlin Grey (Sister - Alive)
    Faelan Grey (Daughter - Alive)




    "The Wanderer", "Grey", "Western Delgato"

    Faction Affiliations:
