James Harrison

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    James Harrison is a 29 year old career criminal from England. He currently has no permanent place of residence in the state and is affiliated with Wulf Company Limited where he is a member of the upper management team.
    He is usually well dressed, clean shaven and talks with a cockney accent.

    Early Life 

    Born in July 1870 to Albert and Elizabeth Harrison, James was the fifth child of seven in the family. Spending his youth growing up in Hertfordshire, England he would reluctantly spend his days working with his father in the fields. His father had ambitions to one day own a farm of their own, a family business that could be passed down through generations however James had other plans. At the age of 15 he left the relative safety of the small two bedroom house shared by his parents and siblings and set off for the city of London.

    Present Life 

    Life in London​

    After arriving in London, James found his way to Whitechapel in the East End. He spent several days living on the streets, scrounging for whatever morsels of food he could find before he was approached by members of a criminal gang. Offering him food, security and a job they took him under their wing and taught him over several years how to become an expert in pickpocketing along with several other illegal enterprises.

    Rise to power​

    Over the next decade he rose up through the ranks, partaking in theft, robbery, racketeering, extortion and more. After an unfortunate accident involving a carriage, the leader of the group was killed. During the turmoil developed by the power vacuum that followed, James rose up to take the lead of the group.

    Life at the top​

    The gang flourished under James' leadership with business and financial income higher than it had ever been. This would not last for long however.

    A man in James' upper echelon would soon be tempted by offers of money and security from the police in order to give them information. Taking this offer, James along with many other high-ups were betrayed. One by one they were dragged from their homes by the police. After hearing of this, James knew it would not be long until they came from him. Knowing that if caught, he was destined for the gallows he fled the city on horse back. Whilst doing so he encountered several policemen who attempted to stop him. Shooting his way out of the situation he galloped out of the city into the night.

    Riding through the night and the following day he eventually found himself in Portsmouth. Paying his way onto a ship it was not long before he was steaming across the Atlantic towards America.

    Life in America​


    Staying on the ship as it docked in the Carolinas, James eventually disembarked in Saint Denis. Not long after leaving the boat, whilst walking around the city streets James bumped into two individuals by the name of William Wulf and Scout Stonebrook. Due to the hastiness of his departure from England, he had been unable to bring much money with him. This issue was quickly rectified by Wulf who subsidised him enough to get a pistol, rifle and a horse which he called Cormac.

    Since arriving in the state, James has spent his time accompanying Wulf, Mr Sands, Scout along with various other individuals on adventures across the state.

    The Man in Black​

    Out of nowhere, the group were targeted by a man who came to be known as The Man in Black due to his clothing choice. The reasons for his harrassment are still unknown. The first encounter was at an orphanage where Scout and another girl spotted the man hiding in a bush. He swiftly left the area however what ensued was several weeks of harrassment, including threatening general telegrams, threatening notes and drawings left in places for the group to find along with the kidnapping of Scout. She managed to escape but not before being shot in the arm.

    As of recent, there has been no activity from the man in black. Some believe him to be dead however James is sceptical and believes he is simply laying low, awaiting the time where he can continue his campaign against the group.


    In need of a source of income, James was happy to hear Mr Wulfs proposition of an import/export company. The plan is to import high quality, London dry gin from England and distribute it among the saloons and independant bar tenders across New Alexandria.


    "Fuckin' 'ell!"

    "'ello love"

    "You fuckin' donkey!"

    "Keep it to a trot."

    "Give her some whiskey and before too long she'll be looser than an outlaws gun holster."


    • James has a large scar on his left cheek after being slashed with a razor by a member of an opposing gang in London.
    • James' first horse was bought for him by William Wulf. He named the horse Cormac. Unfortunately Cormac passed away after breaking free from his hitching post and walking infront of a tram whilst James was drinking in the Bastille. James has a new horse named Reggie however Reggie is not as good as Cormac who James missed deeply.
    • James fancies himself as somewhat of a ladies man. There are a multitude of women in New Alexandria he persues however he has only scored lucky with one of them, so far.

    James Harrison









    183cm (6ft)


    76kg (167lbs)


    19th July 1870


    Hertfordshire, England



    Marital Status:



    Adopted Daughter
    Scout Stonebrook

    Albert Harrison
    Elizabeth Harrison

    Older Siblings:
    Alice Harrison
    Robert Harrison
    Michael Harrison
    Frances Harrison

    Younger Siblings:
    John Harrison
    Millicent Harrison





    Faction Affiliations:

    Wulf Company Ltd.