James Stein

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  • James Stein


    James Stein is 6 foot 5 tall and weights a 240 pounds which makes him a man of impressive size. James is often described as a very hot temperate man, the cruelties of beeing a soldier in the German-French war made a massive impact on his
    personality. James doesn't hesitate a lot when it comes to violence, since the killing in the war he doesnt value a human life very much. However James never enjoyed hurting people, he once stated that violence is the only language mankind understands.
    He has a very unique accent, which he never lost even in his years in London. His left eye was shot out by a french soldier, which is why his face is scarred.
    James Stein has a very dark sense of humor and he often surrounds himself with other veterans.

    Early Life 

    James Stein was born 1852 in a Town called Steyr that makes him a man born in the austrian-hungarian empire.
    His father was a known shoemaker who died in 1870 from old age.
    James never met his Mother but its said that she was a student from England, which would explain his first name, however his father never talked about her and hated when he was asked about her whereabouts.
    As a young boy James started learning his fathers trade, when the German - French War broke out James was drafted as a line soldier in the K.U.K Army. He only saw one battle in which he was wounded and lost his left eye.
    James never went home to Steyr due to the message that received him while in the military that his father died. Instead he decided to move to London in 1872 where he worked as a construction worker for several years.
    While being in London he met a girl named Marry-An Hadfield who was the daughter of a know industrial-titan. Despite his left eye Marry fell in love with James, but they had to be very careful. With James being not only an immigrant but also a poor construction worker, the father of Marry disapproved of their relationship, no only did he disapprove he also did everything from keeping them apart which resulted in James loosing his job and the love of his life.
    Shattered by this experience he decided to immigrate into the USA, to be exact, the State of Alexandria, to find a possible new life with 47 years of age.

    Present Life 

    James Stein is currently seen in different locations around the state. Rumors state that he found out about a marriage of Marry-An Hadfield and that he went to London one last time to slit both, Marry-An´s and her mans throat.
    Apparently he can not enter the British empire anymore because of the rumored murder.



    "Violence is the only language mankind understands."
    "Money doesn't make you happy but it helps ... a lot"
    "Life is mostly suffering mixed with little moments of joy"


    James Stein











    242 pounds







    Marital Status:







    J, One Eyed James

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