James Walter

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    Once the states best fighter. Now, the Sheriff of New Austin.

    Early Life 

    James Walter, a 20-year-old man who has not always had life easy. He was parted from his family just after birth and and later was sent to New Alexandria to live with Kate Bennett's Uncle. He was always finding a way to get in trouble with other ranchers. When he'd go to a saloon and had a few to drink, he seemed to always end up getting himself in bother. He was not always a bad guy, he would help Uncle with hunting for the local towns folk to earn his allowance at the end of each month. James would always enjoy exploring the state, stumbling upon many amazing different sceneries and locations.

    Present Life 


    February 1899, James started to break out of his shell and meet new people from many different places. He had noticed an ongoing fighting tournament Valentine, where his brother Maurice and a few friends persuaded him to get in the ring and give it his best shot. This is when James' life took a different path. It seemed James was competent in the ring, after winning several rounds, he was noticed by Domino Douglas and this is where Mr. Douglas and James became friends. Several weeks went by with many fight nights being hosted that James would turn up to. James' name started to become something, but he needed something that would make him more than, well, James. This is where the name Jumbolious James came about. James carried on with his career for several months winning many titles with the New Alexandria Association of Gaming, but soon threw in the towel once he re-evaluated what he wanted to do with his life.


    March 1899, James was in Valentine with a group of friends that had planned a trip to St. Denis, they thought it would be a good idea to try and round up a few others that wanted to head that way. James had spotted a woman walking towards the stables. At this point James had made his way down and asked the woman if she would like to come along, agreeing she came along on the trip. During the trip they were a lot of laughs and James doing James stuff. James had gotten to know the woman a little more, finding out her name to be Jen and many other things about her. On the way back to the shooting tree, east of Valentine, James had thought it was a good idea to make a move on the woman, James had ended up throwing him self of the wagon and stated that he had fallen for her. What was a joke at first to make everyone laugh, turned into James taking Jen on a little date, to get to know each other a little more. It was all fun and games throughout that month, Jen and James would talk and were pretty good friends. However, Jen had other Ideas and made some unpleasant friends, which took her down the wrong path robbing stores and getting into trouble with the law. James was not very fond of this and had stepped away a little bit, up until he decided help is what she needed.


    April 15th - Became a Deputy Recruit.

    April 1899, James had become a Deputy Recruit due to him wanting to better his future and move on from his career as a fighting champion. Becoming apart of the Sheriffs Office, James had learnt a lot in his time as a recruit, starting from the basics of the constitution to learning how to process a criminal, James learned it all quick.
    He progressed into a better life so that he could better the life of others. The initial idea of becoming a Deputy was to make sure he could protect his family and server his state. A big impact on James becoming Deputy was due to his good friend
    Sarah Connor who showed him in the right direction.


    April 25th - Became a full fledged Deputy.

    April Continued, As James progressed with the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department, it did not take him long to get the hang of things, in fact he was only a Deputy for a week before being promoted to a Senior Deputy. Of course, with hard work and dedication it paid of for James, he continued to carry on learning and catching criminals.


    April 30th - Became a Senior Deputy.

    May 1899, The work continued and James carried on with his life, the past couple of weeks were not easy, James had fallen out with Jen as she was caught speaking to another man. He thought it was over for him, not a day went by where James thought he was worthless, he felt betrayed and used. This all resulted in Jen once again going down the path of crime, she and one of James' good friends George Coleman were both out of it and ended up robbing a bank, this resulted in George Coleman's death which sent both Jen and James of the rails.


    Previously affiliated with the New Alexandria Association of Gaming


    "Ya fuckin' asshole".
    "Keep it to a fuckin' trot " - The. Creator.
    "Lighting power".

    "Jesus Jen...".


    Theme Song: "Strong" by Will Hoge











    190 lbs


    Jan 15th, 1879


    Manchester, England. Grew up in New Alexandria from 3 years old.



    Marital Status:

    Jen Walter/Acree -


    Aaron Dotson -
    (Father?) Alive
    Thomas Williams -
    (Father?) Alive
    Kate Bennett -
    (Sister) Alive
    Maurice Bradbury -
    Charlotte O'dair -
    (Cousin) Alive


    County Sheriff


    Jumbo, Jumbolious, Jumbolia.

    Faction Affiliations: