Jesse Wyatt

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  • Jesse Wyatt


    Jesse Wyatt came from New Zealand. Original name was Jessica Wyatt before transition to male. Jesse is a transmale, originally female but gone through several risky surgery to make self look more male. Although limit how much can do, like rearranging lower parts. Anyone to look at him would see a male and not a female. Which Jesse intended purpose as he feels and look to be male. Only problem is his voice as he has not figured out to change his voice. So it sounds rather feminine and he has no control of it.

    Early Life 

    Jesse was born in New Zealand, being given the name Jessica Wyatt. While growing up, lived normally like female but around 6 years of age, been feeling not of herself and doing everything boys do but parents would scowl her and try to redirect her. It frustrated her but continued on doing. Around age of 12 years, been dressing up more like a male and been running away from home due to parents unsupportive. Legally changed name to Jesse Wyatt. When turned 16 years old, he found a doctor that would help her and done most of all the procedure to make look more male. Which was successful and looks a lot like a male. When return home, his parents were furious with him and disowned him, leaving him orphaned. He tried to make own life somewhere else in the same home town but soon rumors were spread about him and he was disliked by a lot.

    Moved to another town and lived normally for awhile. He was taken under by a deputy, well a police of the town and look up to like a father. Soon enough adopted but month later, he was reported missing and only his hat was found, which was a white hat. He kept the hat as memory sake to remember the one that first time accepted who he is.

    Present Life 

    Currently moved to New Alexandria to try to start a new life due to being position as an outcast from hometown. Currently seeking to find a job and make more friends.




    "Don't judge a book by it's cover."
    "Accept others as you wanted to be accepted."
    "Respect is earned, not a given right."


    Wears a white hat in memory of adopted father figure he had. Gets mistaken as a deputy sometimes.
    Jesse Wyatt's Journal

    Jesse Wyatt





    Male (Physically female but surgery alteration made look male)






    100 lbs


    April 5th, 1882


    New Zealand



    Marital Status:



    Jessie Wyatt (Bio Mother) - Alive
    Orion Wyatt (Bio Father) - Alive
    Anthony Wyatt (Adopted Father) - Missing
    Few older siblings and one younger sibling - Alive


    None currently


    Faction Affiliations: