John Ram

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  • The Bounty Hunter


    John Ram is a large, powerfully built man. He is 6'2" and just over 200lbs, with broad shoulders and a broad chest, light brown hair and a full beard. He is missing his left eye; his remaining eye is blue. A wicked, villainous-looking scar runs up the left side of his face and under an elaborately-tooled eyepatch. Everything about his appearance underscores his fastidious, detail-oriented nature; his hair and beard are meticulously trimmed and his clothing is always clearly carefully chosen and well-kept. His movement is slow and deliberate and his mannerisms are refined; his posture and bearing are sharp and upright.

    Early Life 

    John Ram, the only child of Billy and Charlotte Ram, had a happy, typical upbringing on a small ranch between Tumbleweed and the Mexican border. He grew up to the age of 10 helping his mother around the farm, caring for chickens and collecting eggs and seeing to other chores. When his father was home from hunting and work, he spent time teaching his son to shoot and care for guns and to ride and handle horses. John had inherited his father's skill as a marksman, becoming a highly skilled shot at a young age. The young John's life changed forever one stormy evening when a group of men approached the ranch, ostensibly asking for assistance. Billy was not home at the time. Thinking nothing unusual of men needing assistance in a storm, Charlotte opened the door to them. They forced their way into the home, dragging John and his mother outside into the barnyard. They bound John hand and foot and hung him upside down in the barn and beat him viciously with whatever implements they could find. Leaving one man to manage the injured, hanging boy, the remaining men turned their attention to Charlotte. They tried to force her son to watch them brutally violate her and when he refused, the man left to mind him cut the boy's left eye out, leaving the vicious scar that dominates his face today, and forced him to watch anyway. The event ultimately culminated in John seeing the posse's leader cut Charlotte's throat. They hung her body from a beam on the front of the barn. It was shortly after this moment that Billy Ram returned home and saw what had befallen his wife and son. At the sight of his dead wife hanging from the beam, he vaulted off his horse and went for his pistols. He sprinted for the barn, fearing the worst, and crashed through the doors, guns leading. His gaze swept the barn from beneath the brim of his hat, taking in the sight of the six men still in the barn and his hanging, immobile son.

    For both John and his father, it was as though time stood still, every second, every heartbeat drawn out to feel like an hour. Billy Ram's thumbs were already on the hammers, his fingers already on the triggers. His spurs rang out at every step like hammer blows on an anvil. Shots rang out, as steadily timed as the solid, reliable ticking of a clock, and through a haze of smoke, blood and pain, John saw the men falling, one by one. And then his ropes went slack and he dropped to the barn floor, twisting in the air, landing hard on his side. He worked himself free of his ropes, aware of the sudden, dreadful silence. The smoke cleared, and John Ram realized he was the only person in the barn who was still alive, or at least still conscious. The rope above him was frayed and still smoldering; his father had managed to shoot it and free him in all the chaos. In spite of the pain and difficulty of losing his eye, John did the only thing that made sense in the moment. He retrieved his father's guns and returned them to their holsters, managed to grope his way outside and whistled for his father's horse. The well-trained animal John's eternal gratitude...and he was able to get his father's inert form onto the horse and mount. With what felt like his last breath, John shouted at the horse, "Ride!!" as his father had done so many times, before collapsing against its neck.

    When he next awoke, John found himself in the doctor's office in Tumbleweed. The doctor was amazed he'd survived the brutal beating and loss of his eye, along with the trip on horseback through the desert to Tumbleweed. The man gave young John his father's hat, gun belt and revolvers and the devastating news that Billy Ram did not survive. John regarded his father's belongings for a few moments before placing the hat on his head and the gun belt around his waist before getting to his feet, disregarding the doctor's protests, mounting his father's horse and leaving Tumbleweed behind. After that day, nobody in New Austin ever saw John Ram again.

    Present Life 

    John Ram is a bounty hunter on the brink. After arriving in New Alexandria and learning about the level of corruption between deputies, sheriffs and criminals, he is fed up with the system and with struggling to work within the guidelines. He is frustrated with the deputies' inaction in catching real criminals and at the end of his nearly-bottomless patience with a system that seems determined to deprive bounty hunters of payouts. While his own personal moral code and desire to be a bounty hunter keep him from taking matters into his own hands, the chance he may do so is an ever-present danger.

    He is widely known as a steady, patient hunter, and the general sentiment among criminals is that it is far better to be safely in a cell than to have John Ram after you. He is also widely known as being one of the few who has no fear of entering the outlaw stronghold of New Austin. He spends his days traveling from town to town, listening for information that may lead him to closing in on any one of the hundreds of open bounties across New Alexandria.




    "Fuck your Hat!"
    "I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold, makes no never-mind to me."
    "Anyone else?"
    "I'll see ya soon."
    "Ma'am, you couldn't handle me."
    "Now look at ya. Deader 'n hell."
    "Have a pleasant day!"


    Ram likes music and can play the piano and harmonica.

    John Ram













    November 15, 1863


    Tumbleweed, New Austin



    Marital Status:



    Billy Ram - Father - Deceased
    Charlotte Ram - Mother - Deceased


    Bounty Hunter


    The Bounty Hunter, Mr. Ram, The Beacon of Hope

    Faction Affiliations:
