Kenneth Carlsson

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  • Kenneth Carlsson


    Short and scruffy hobo.

    Early Life 

    Kenneth Carlsson was born the 5:th of april 1868 in Kalmar, Sweden. Brought up under poor standards he started working on a boat sailing between Kalmar and Amsterdam at the age of 14. He was a hard worker for his young age but not strong enough to carry heavy loads so got trown into the kitchen to help cook for the crew.
    Kenneth came at an early time in contact with drugs and grew found off cannabis shipped from afghan countries and Maracco. To the extent of him taking in and smuggle it to europe to feed his own hunger. This would not work out for long as he got cought in London and got fired from the boat.

    Life was hard at this point and he would linger around in towns trough britain until ending up in Brighton. There he got a chance at working on a boat going trough Dublin and Van Horn in the Americas. He obtained this from a former partner and smugglar from the old ship. Like the old ship this one was not as legal and would smuggle booze and drugs into America. This is where Kenneth made alot of contact in that line of work and learned to know several local gangs in both Ireland and America.

    In 1895 while visiting Van Horn he got in a barfight with a gang of chinese and made them quit working with the crew. The captain did not take that well and fired Kenneth from the crew along with two other undisclosed induviduals working with Kenneth. He settled in the old lighthouse and saw the town slowly decay into the hands of the chinese.

    Present Life 

    After the chinese had taken over the town they pushed out Kenneth who acted as an rival to their organization. Trying himself to take over the opium trade and the town itself. But he knew he needed to make money. Kenneth travled west to the town Valentine where he took the job as a bartender in Smithfields but got fired for starting fights in the saloon. By pure luck Keane who owned Keane's Saloon had gone missing so Kenneth bought his saloon from the bank and started his own buisness. One step closer to taking back Van Horn from the chinese. Making several friends in town and people to make deals with. But he saw the need to certain items in town. Things he could obtain if having the right means.

    Kenneth knew getting rid of the chines was the step to get back into Van Horn and taking part off the trading going on the from over the seas. He made deals with some irish fellas he had worked with before so with the help of them he kicked out the chinese and took over their opium trade into the state. Giving the opium trade to the irish Kenneth used founds from the bar and the irish to buy the trading company in Van Horn that have been closed for years. It was a cheap deal made with the bank in Saint Denis.

    Kenneth Carlsson is now the owner of Van Horn Trading Company. He sell legit and mostly smuggled goods to men all over the state. Still having his Saloon open in Valentine so he can keep a foothold there. Kenneth stays in a good relations with the local irish gang.


    The super secret group of Van Horn


    "If it smells, it sells"


    Been in the state since it was founded.

    Kenneth Carlsson













    5th of April


    Kalmar, Sweden



    Marital Status:

    Single and ready to mingle


    Brothers: Sven Calsson (Dead) and Leif Calsson




    Kenneth the Hobo

    Faction Affiliations:

    Van Horn