Lewis & Buckley Business & Financial Consulting

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  • Lewis and Buckley Business & Financial Consulting


    Lewis and Buckley Business & Financial Consulting is owned and operated by Daniel Lewis Esq., and Ozymandias Allen-Buckley Ph.D. The business aims to support the market share growth and development of all Businesses operating within the state. Lewis and Buckley offer:

    Problem Solving​
    Advertisement (Poster Design)​
    Brand Creation​
    Business Lessons​
    Financial Support and Teachings​
    Market Pricing (Fee)​
    Payment Reminders​
    Business Application Submission​
    Business Law Support​

    The business looks at all active Businesses within the state, licensed and non-licensed, to see if there's a way for them to benefit one another; bringing the business community together and making the connections so Businesses can support one another. They aid those who seek employment to employers looking to hire and vice-versa. The company is constantly expanding its ideas into the new frontier. Making the economy stronger and more profitable for all.


    After completing his Master's in Economics, Mr. Lewis met Dr. Ozymandias Allen-Buckley during a conference in Paris at the Exposition Universelle of 1900. After the conference, Lewis proposed his idea for a business that would profoundly revolutionize the business community within the State of New Alexandria. This inspired Dr. Allen-Buckley to agree to be the co-owner of this business venture. During the first few years, the two invested money into the mining industry in Gaptooth to obtain funds to begin their business. Once the two accumulated funds, they applied to the state to have their business operational. Business approval was on August 22nd, 1901, when the company was officially established.

    Lewis & Buckley Business & Financial Consulting





    Daniel Lewis & Ozymandias Allen-Buckley

    Date Founded:

    August 22, 1901


    Saint Denis Bank (Back Office)

