Loke Cappelen

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  • Loke Cappelen


    male just turned 30. 5'9 tall. Black hair, shaved on the side, long on top swept backwards. Light blue eyes, having a distinct scar coming from above his left eye passing down towards his cheek. Usually well shaved and has a mustache. But grows a beard now and then. Very interested in old Norse beliefs and tries to live in that way. Tries to dress in that manner but is weak for nice looking clothes, as he can be often seen with his black coat and black suit. Prefers the color black and will most likely be seen with that only. Norwegian with a noticeable Norwegian accent. Came to America with his wife

    Early Life 

    Loke was born september.17.1870 to a poor family just outside of Trondheim Norway. A country ruled by Sweden at that time. He is the oldest brother of 4 siblings. From a young age he was told to help his father in the fields, watching over the animals on their little farm, but also assisting his father when he was in the town selling his goods. A lot of responsibility since he was the one to take over after his father. Loke has been, since a young age, a big dreamer, dreaming of more than staying at the farm. He wanted more and wanted to travel the world. But with no education there was little hope for that. He understood fast money was the only way to move up and forward. From the age of 15 up to 22 he had several encounters with the law enforcement. All ranging from pickpocketing to store robberies. All with different outcomes. And at the age of 20 he started to hear more stories about America. This is where all of the money he got was supposed to be used for. Getting himself over there. At the age of 22 he attempted a bank robbery which ended up miserable and he got sentenced to a year in prison. Now a known felon he wanted to get away, seek out new places and went south to kristiania for new opportunities, before the next big step getting himself to america.

    It took him nearly a year to travel south as he did different jobs and robberies to save up some coins. At the age of 23 his journey to Kristiania ended not too long outside the city. His horse had an accident and got spooked, threw Loke off, making him fall face first into the ground, giving him a wound to the face, which gave him the scar he has to this day. This is also the same day he met his future wife Frida. After a time in hospital, being taken care of by her. He was introduced to her father. A strict but fair man taking pity on the young man offering him some work at his store after some convincing from his daughter . This is where he learnt to write and read, but also english. Work mostly consisted of assisting Frida's Father delivering goods from his shop to different ships in the harbor. He worked hard and well, and got noticed early on by the father by the strong working morale. And after a year he was taught how to write up finances and keep control over the money, when the father was away.

    After 2 years he asked Frida's father for allowance to marry her, and a yes he got.

    The dream of America never disappeared. Dreams he told Frida, but not convincing her to travel. It took him several years of convincing before it happened. At the age of 29 under a heavy argument with his father in law about expanding to america. A fight broke out. Resulting in Loke stabbing his father in law to death. Now a murder on the run he needed to go to america more than ever before. And under the cover of his father in law saying yes to expanding and him going away on a business trip, they traveled with a boat over to america

    Present Life 

    When getting to America, his dream was to expand the business of his father in law. Selling and exporting goods. The main goal was to get to Minnesota where most Norwegians went. But during the travel from New york to Minnesota they were held up by some robbers, taking most of their valuables. The trip went short and Loke had to take all the small jobs he could get, making it possible to survive and having enough money to get to minnesota. The next goal on the road was taking a boat which took them to New Alexandria, now almost broke. He ended up doing most of the jobs available, coal deliveries to a place called colter, Newspaper deliveries in blackwater, everything he could find no job was to bad. During this time he realized he loved the new state he ended up in, not wanting to travel more. Seeing there was a lot of potential to make a new life there. He also ended up getting friends there too, making the days go on easier.


    Jackdaws - former
    The Remnants



    -Loves to give Carrots to Lee Colt just for the fun.tends to mess up his house with carrots too.
    -Loves the color black
    -Has a scar on his face
    -is missing his left eye

    Loke Cappelen














    Trondheim, Norway



    Marital Status:



    Odin Cappelen(father) Alive
    Astrid Cappelen (mother)Alive
    Tor Cappelen (brother)Dead
    Einar Cappelen(brother)Alive
    Frøya Cappelen(freya) (sister)Alive




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