Louis McFarlane

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  • Louis McFarlane


    A tall and lanky but muscular young man with blonde hair, always swept back and sometimes unkempt. Blue eyes, typically full of mischief or mirth, and quite often a warm smile. He has a heavy southern drawl and speaks softly, rarely raising his voice.

    His skin is lightly tanned, and marred by a series of scars across the left side of his face from a bottle thrown at him as a child. He has numerous scars along his left shoulder from cougar attacks and also one scar, quite hidden, along his head from a tram accident.

    He also has bullet wound scars on his left shoulder, one on his back and one on his chest.His hands are rough from years of hard labor and guitar picking.

    He has a single birthmark- a lack of pigment in the shape of a small shooting star on his right lower back near the hip.

    Early Life 

    Louis Edwin Kinney was born in St Denis to parents that knew him for two short years before their untimely demise in a fire, accidentally caused by their young son. After being orphaned, Louis was passed around from orphanage to potential homes and back again.

    At six, Louis was briefly fostered by a man who claimed to be his uncle in the hopes of grifting any potential inheritance from the deceased parents. The money was little and completely spent by the time Louis turned eight. An ever increasing frustration with the boy led to a bottle thrown at him in a fit of rage, leaving him permanently scarred along half of his face. He was soon relocated to another home, and continued being passed around until he took to the streets.

    From 13 to 17, he lived on the streets, begging, mucking stables, working fields in nearby towns and cleaning saloons to get by. Late in his 17th year, he walked the train tracks to Valentine and began working the saloon there custodially, as well as stocking shelves and sweeping in the nearby General Store.

    Present Life 

    Louis moved on from his janitorial duties and trained under Cadaceus Cross, becoming a field medic. Sometime after joining Mountain Medical, he applied for the Sheriff’s Department. He has been with the department for a year and is now an Undersheriff.

    He was adopted by Ace McFarlane, renowned bounty hunter and Gray Rider sometime before his 18th birthday.


    Mountain Medical, Red Thread Medical, New Alexandria Sheriff’s Department



    • - Louis has slept on floors and in stables more than a bed and has a disconnect with the meaning of 'Home' due to past trauma. (Public Knowledge)
    • - Louis enjoys supernatural stories and fables, and believes (at one time) he was cursed. (Public Knowledge)
    • - His second horse was a Foxtrotter named Ghost who helped save his first patient, John Ram. She ultimately fell prey to wolves. (Public Knowledge)
    • - His most beloved horse is a Breton named Atlas, who (rumor has it) has incapacitated 6 other horses. (Public Knowledge)
    • - Louis was almost adopted by Iris Elwood and Jamison Carter, but Ace McFarlane stepped in first. (FOIC)
    • - He struggles with French pronunciations. (Public Knowledge)
    • - Louis has learned to mimic social cues to fit-in and because of this, is quick to learn. He occasionally struggles with empathy (Unknown)
    • - Louis spends much of his free time at the St. Denis cemetery, and speaks to his parents tomb. (FOIC)
    • - He has a long-standing admiration and love for whom he considers his best friend, Dawson McGath. (Public Knowledge)
    • - He is an unintentional gossip, and has accidentally revealed secrets of others before (FOIC)
    • - Louis considers himself better at written word than spoken word, and enjoys writing stories and letters. (FOIC)

    Louis McFarlane











    169 lbs




    St. Denis


    French / Irish

    Marital Status:

    Married to Dawson McGath


    Mother- Margaret Toussaint Kinney (deceased)
    Father- Padraic Henry Kinney (deceased)


    Field Medic, NASD: Undersheriff- East



    Faction Affiliations: