Luca Santino

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  • Luca Santino


    Luca Santino is a young Italian, still finding his way in America. Luca is a very bubbly person, always seeking to make those around him have a good time. He is also very selfless, often putting himself at risk to help those he cares about. He seeks to make friends with most people, and often feels bad when somebody around him is not happy. However, he can also be a violent person when the time calls for it. But this side of him is rarely seen.

    Luca holds his family extremely close to his heart and would do anything for them, equally, he holds the Leone Family very close to his heart also. Finding in them a bond that he believes is not only a physical and emotional one, but a spiritual one too. He has often put himself in immediate harm trying to protect the Leone Family, and has landed himself in the Doctor's Office multiple times in doing so.

    Luca is very recognisable for his young face, telling a friend once that he cannot (or struggles) to grow any facial hair. He prefers to style his hair into a quiff and is mostly seen wearing waistcoats, smarts pants, and nice shoes. Though he does have a large collection of hats, and is seen wearing a different one almost every day. And Luca is not Luca without a cigarette, going through multiple packs a day.

    Early Life 

    Luca was born into the Santino family in 1879, in Rome, Italy. He was born alongside his twin sister, Luciana (Lucy), but he was the younger twin by 12 minutes. His father, Vittore, worked at a local restaurant and his mother, Floriana, worked as a barmaid within the Pontrelli Bar. His grandparents lived with them, and as he also has three older sisters AND three cats, his house was always hectic. They lived in a smaller house within the more impoverished part of Rome.

    As he grew up, Luca and his sisters spent a lot of time with their mother as she worked in the Pontrelli Bar. When they were there, they'd often just sit and play, sometimes trying to make the adults who were there laugh, and him and his sisters grew very close to the regulars who were within the bar. On one day, when Luca was 7, one of the regular men who was in the Pontrelli was brought in with a loud ruckus, two men holding him up from either side, his body riddled with gunshots. It was this day that Luca first seen what his mother really did for work, as she ushered him and his sisters out of the main bar, Luca stopped by the door and secretly watched. The two men laid the injured man atop the bar as their mother then took a bag from behind the bar and started treating the man. Though too young to understand, it was that day that Luca realised there was more to his mother than he first thought.

    A few years had passed since that day, and more and more Luca and his sisters would be told to leave the room, and more and more would Luca see his mother helping men who were messed up physically. Eventually, on his 17th Birthday, Luca approached his mother and just outright asked her what the deal was with all of the men she was helping. She was extremely reluctant to explain, but at that time, the man who was supposedly the owner of the Bar approached Luca after overhearing him asking his mother. His name was Ubertino Pontrelli, he was a small and plump man, with greasy hair slicked back and a small bit of hair below his bottom lip. He had gently moved infront of Luca's mother, placed a hand on his shoulder. Then Pontrelli went on to explain that Floriana was in fact doing "God's Work" by helping out people who had been hurt by "bad men". And then, though vaguely, went on to explain that she worked with a family, that Luca's father was aware of this and that he even did jobs from time to time, and that he cared deeply for the Santino's. He did his best to make it sound as though this was a real platonic family, but it was in fact an organised crime family, though at the time Luca was not aware of this. Pontrelli went on to eagerly use this opportunity to push Luca towards doing some work for him, using the fact that Luca was realistically part of the family at that point to manipulate Luca into accepting. And around 2 months later, Luca went out on his first job with two other men.

    Luca was not given much information about the job, other than that somebody had borrowed money from Pontrelli, and that he wanted it to be retrieved. Whilst they walked to the place that the debtor resided, Luca had been shaking slightly. He listened as the two other men made quiet remarks about the fact Luca was tagging along, making fun of his uneasiness. After around 20 minutes of walking, they arrived at a small bakery, entered and then the two men started shouting abuse at the baker who looked like he was in his late 70s. A frail, quiet seeming man. Then the men went about pushing and hitting the old man, before grabbing Luca by the collar and dragging him over to the baker, placing a mallet in his hands. They then grabbed the bakers hand, slamming it on top of the counter and holding it down, then jeered at Luca to hit the mallet down on the hand. And with a slight tear in his eye, shaking as he approached, Luca obliged and smacked the mallet down as the old baker screamed in pain. And though he handed over the money following this, Luca went back to the bar as a changed kid.

    Over the next 7 years, Luca worked alongside his mother for the Pontrelli Crime Family, gradually putting the pieces together what the family was and what it did. But the more he did jobs, the more he got used to it, going on to call Ubertino Pontrelli the Don as those around him did. Though during this time, the worst he ever seen were people missing fingers or limbs, and the harassing of people who had wronged Don Pontrelli. When he was 24, a few weeks after his birthday, Luca had been tasked by his father to go and purchase some food from the market for a meal that was to be made for the Don on his 60th Birthday. And whilst travelling there, Luca got lost amongst a very large crowd, losing his grasp on his surroundings, and gradually moving with this crowd as he was pushed and shoved around. After an hour or so of being in this crowd, Luca began to realise that he must not have made it anywhere near the market, and upon pushing his way through the people, he found himself on the edge of a large boats deck, looking on at the distant land. And as he panicked, he started frantically asking those around him where he was and what was going on, which was when he found out he had in fact ended up being pushed onto an Ocean Liner heading towards America. Eventually, the boat docked at the city of Saint Denis in the state of New Alexandria.

    Present Life 

    Once in New Alexandria, Luca was alone and with nobody to turn to. So he had turned to the one thing he knew he was good at, one of the things he was taught back in the Pontrelli Crime Family, and that was being a criminal. Under the alias of "Roma", Luca travelled the state robbing many stores that he came across, finding himself in the Prison Island of Sisika multiple times. One day though, he had spoken with man who informed him of an organised crime family that was starting up in the city of Saint Denis. Luca had been notable interested in this opportunity due to his experience within this area and sought out their leader, Ash Smith. And after lengthy meetings over the course of a few weeks, Smith decided to take on Luca as a Caporegime within this family that was named after one of the members "The Leone Crime Family".

    As of 1903, Luca is still settling into this family as he seeks to find some kind of stability similar to that of which he found within the Pontrelli Family. Eventually meeting a person by the name of Roland Cyril, Luca began to finally show a side of him that had not been seen for a long time, becoming more comfortable with sharing how he truly feels within himself.

    On one day, Ash Smith and Luca had spotted a masked man (Alexander Foss "Blue") robbing a lady in the Saint Denis Post Office, and after convincing him to leave the area, Luca began exchanging telegrams with the man. Leading to both men becoming romantically interested in each other and becoming extremely close, spending almost all their time together. Soon after, Luca met a quite crazy woman named Saffron Humblecut. He had seen how vulnerable she seemed, and unconsciously decided to try and take her under his wing. This then led to Luca and Saffron spending a lot of their time together, which had angered Blue as he became paranoid that there was a romantic interest in Luca and Saffron's bond. Blue went on to hurt Saffron as his jealousy got the better of him, hitting her over the head with his revolver. In response, Luca fully cut off BLue, telling him that unless he can control this violent part of himself, he wants nothing to do with him. Meanwhile, this incident had done a lot for Saffron and Luca, bonding with her extremely fast, and beginning to see her as a younger sister. In his life of death and hurt, Saffron helps him smile when he forgets to. As it stands, Blue is serving 14 years in the Sisika Penitentiary and Luca and Saffron are getting closer by the day, but all is not well for Luca Santino.

    After a period of decline within the Leone Family, Luca grew extremely close to The Cards gang and their members. Eventually going on to join them due to internal issues within the Leone's. Luca donned his old alias of "Roma" and began riding with his sister, Saffron, and The Cards.


    The Leone Crime Family (PRESENT)
    The Cards (PRESENT)


    • "Ciao Ciao"
    • "Si si"
    • "That feels like an aggression"
    • "Fuck you."
    • "Make love, not war."


    • Luca goes through around 6 boxes of cigarettes a day
    • He has never seen a dead body
    • He learnt a few things from his mother in helping injured people
    • Luca rarely takes part in fist fights
    • He hates going to New Austin and Valentine
    • The Roman Trading Co. is owned by Luca and heavily focuses on lumber trade
    • His favourite shirt is his pink one
    • Luca spends 2 hours to perfect his quiff each morning
    • The most facial hair Luca has managed to grow is stubble
    • He meticulously cleans his revolver whenever he can
    • He knows how to play multiple instruments including the piano, guitar, and concertina
    • The main reason Luca joined The Cards was due to seeing how well they treated his sister, Saffron. Something the Leone's never did.

    Luca Santino











    80 KG


    Feb 4th 1879


    Rome, Italy



    Marital Status:



    Vittore Santino (Father)
    Floriana Santino (Mother)
    Vinebaldo Santino (Grandfather)
    Rossella Santino (Grandmother)
    Adria Santino (Sister)
    Mareta Santino (Sister)
    Camelia Santino (Sister)
    Luciana Santino (Twin Sister)


    The Roman Trading Co. (Owner)
    The Silver Ash Tray (Co-Owner)


    Roma, Sicilia, Napoli

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Leone Crime Family (PRESENT)
    The Cards (PRESENT)