Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou

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  • Description 


    Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou is an unlicensed business set up by Charlie Magpie. It is one of a few business schemes set up as a means to make a quick buck, while also making him appear more legitimate in the eyes of the law and to the general public. His other "legitimate" business ventures include Magpie's Magnifisint Tors of San Deny and Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods.

    Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou is supposed to take groups of people on a relaxing steam boat journey through the swamps of Saint Denis.



    Wanting a shiny steamboat for himself and confident people could be fooled into paying for it, Magpie inventedMagpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou - his third venture into the world of business. With no intentions of ever actually providing a service, he would coax customers from his other Businesses for additional money in order to buy the steamboat. Unknown to his customers, he had already purchased the boat since the very beginning and has more than recouped its initial cost.

    It's entirely possible that, one day, Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou will become semi-legitimate and actually provide the proposed service.

    Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou



    Business Front


    Charlie Magpie

    Date Founded:

    January, 1900


    The Bayou

