Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods

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  • Description 


    Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods is an unlicensed business set up by Charlie Magpie. It is one of a few business schemes set up as a means to make a quick buck, while also making him appear more legitimate in the eyes of the law and to the general public. His other "legitimate" business ventures include Magpie's Magnifisint Tors of San Deny and Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou.

    Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods sells backpacks, snowshoes, cameras, harmonicas, jaw harps, sweets, and occasionally fireworks. All of these items are sourced from various vendors across the state and sold at a large mark-up. Of the three business ventures, this is the only fully legitimate one and is by far the most successful.



    Originally not thought of as an actual business, Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods was coined as a marketing trick to oversell store bought chocolate bars and bags of candies. Over time, Magpie began to take the idea seriously so added extra items for sale, alongside regular telegram marketing and a rehearsed sales pitch, which he now has committed to memory.

    "Excuse me mister/missus! Could I interest you in some well good goods from Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium?"

    "I'm glad you asked! Magpie's magnifisint imporium of well good goods is currently sellin' pocket watches, backpacks, snowshoes, cameras, jaw harps, harmonicas, chocolates, and candies! Before you say no, please bare in mind that 100% of the profits help support the impoverished youth of Saint Denis AND helps 'decentivise' criminal activities in young people!"

    The sales pitch is always said quickly and enthusiastically, which he's found often overwhelms the customers into buying from him, even if they initially seemed reluctant.

    Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods





    Charlie Magpie

    Date Founded:

    November, 1899


    Travelling business


    Charlie Magpie