Magpie's Magnifisint Tors of San Deny

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  • Description 


    Magpie's Magnifisint Tors of San Deny is an unlicensed business set up by Charlie Magpie. It is one of a few business schemes set up as a means to make a quick buck, while also making him appear more legitimate in the eyes of the law and to the general public. His other "legitimate" business ventures include Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods and Magpie's Magnifisint Boats on the Byeyou.



    Magpie's Magnifisint Tors of San Deny was set up on a whim in an attempt to lure people to the alleyways of Saint Denis, where they'd be robbed at knifepoint. This initially fell through however, as he felt uncomfortable holding up his first "customers" and fellow youth, Fly Wilson and Johnny Cooke. Caught off-guard by having to conduct an actual tour or confess his intentions, Magpie distracted the pair so he could tuck a few newspapers from the Saint Denis newspaper stand down his shirt. He then took the two on a "tour" of all the newspaper drop-off spots while not-so-discretely leaving newspapers for additional income, on top of their already paid ticket price.

    Since then, Magpie has expanded the tours to include genuine sightseeing and useful locations, but still continues to incorporate sneaky newspaper drop-off's for additional income. No customers have ever been held-up, though this is largely in part because all of the customers have been in groups too large to rob by himself, or with his sometimes "employees" Scout Sterling and Olaf Winter.

    Magpie's Magnifisint Tors of San Deny





    Charlie Magpie

    Date Founded:

    October, 1899


    Saint Denis


    Charlie Magpie
    Scout Sterling
    Olaf Winter