Marik Greyson

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  • Marik Greyson - Isatahkabi


    Isatahkabi - Snow Wolf, aka Marik Greyson, is short stature male with long braided hair with blue-white stripped feather (From bluejay), he has red-tan skin and dark eyes. Left side of his body covered in burn scars and has a slight squint on left eye due to how the scar healed on the eyelids. He's muscular and physically fit. He does have some minor scars on his torso and legs but barely noticable. Typically wearing red furred vest and black pants with red loin cloth.

    Early Life 

    Isatahkabi was born from two comanche parents, although they fled into New Austin due to the father having killed a man accidentally and family force to flee and not lead them to their band. New Austin was treacherous and unable to find supplies to sustain them. They taken their two year old, Isatahkabi to a nearby ranch that had people residing. Leaving only a letter and warm blanket and trinkets. They fled away. He was found only an hour later by a man and a lady inside the ranch home. They taken him in and try to figure out what happened. The two name were Elisa Greyson and Karek Greyson. Karek Greyson just newly retired deputy of new Alexandria and living his life out in new Austin, raising mostly horses and chickens. Elisa Greyson is English Immigrant that came across the sea to try to make a new life and new ventures. Unable to figure out the letter, they decided together to keep the child and raise them as their own due to them having trouble conceiving and unable to get their own child. They given him the name Marik Greyson. Growing up with them, he was taught how to care for the horses, care for their well being and learned how to ride. He picked up on the skill pretty well and started to train horses from wild caught to horses that need firm training.

    At the age of 10, his family horse ranch business was booming, getting frequently customers that bring their horse to be trained. Business was going well for them. When he turned 15 years old, he left the ranch and went to another state to university to learn to be a doctor. Having gone through it and seem to be successful. He returned after a year, only to be to late. He found both of his parents inside the home, bloody and riddled with gunshot wounds. Anguish filled him and buried his parents in their favorite spot. With revenge in his heart, he searched for the one that killed his parents. It took him 2 months to track, information, and scouting to find them. He ambushed at night when they are asleep. Cutting their throat open and letting them bleed out. Only mistake, was one woke up and saw him and tried to get gun to shoot him. Manage to take him down by throwing the knife into the man's face and killed him.

    With sweet revenge, it also hit him hard and he taken a life. Part of him regrets it but same time, he justified his action that he rid these murderers so his parents can rest. With that, he took his horse and traveled a bit. Until reach a river and encounter a man, a native by the name of Nuena, which means Wind. That is how they met. Over time, they got to know each other and soon they were like brothers. Nuena is a comanche and training to be a scout but he also pursuing other dreams. Marik was in a dark place at the time and with his brother helping him, brought him around. Then tragedy hits when their supplies got stolen and Nuena went after the one that did it. Marik chased after him but was to late, only to witness the man shoot him down and fled off. He hurried to his brother side and held him in his arms, trying to stop the bleeding and check how bad it was. To see nothing can do as bullet severed part of the artery to the heart. Nuena made some final words to him before passing away in his arms. Keeping a promise to him. It was the darkest moment for him due to losing another that was family to him.

    Over time he headed back into New Alexandria and eventually signed up to become a deputy. Having gone through interview, orientation, and his recruit phase. He graduated into becoming a deputy. Keeping the promise he made to his best friend, his brother.

    Present Life 

    Marik, aka Isatahkabi, currently pursuing his heritage and hopes to be accepted and trusted. He also currently a deputy of New Alexandria.


    New Alexandria Sheriff Department


    "Stay true to your heart and your words be even truer."
    "To protect those that can't defend themselves, those that cannot fight, to fight for their life and freedom."


    - He's afraid of fire to extent. Does like to see other get hurt by fire. Gets really tense when someone mention throwing him to a fire.
    - He's very protective to those that he care about.

    Isatahkabi, Marik Greyson











    130 lbs - Athlete build






    Native American - Comanche

    Marital Status:



    Biological father - Deceased
    Biological Mother - Deceased
    Elisa Greyson (Adopted Mother) - Deceased
    Karek Greyson (Adopted Father) - Deceased
    Nuena (Brother/best friend) - Deceased


    Deputy of New Alexandria Sheriff Department



    Faction Affiliations: