New Alexandria National Bank

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  • New Alexandria National Bank


    Based out of the Bank of Saint Denis, the New Alexandria National Bank was founded by both Robert Gates and Jack King, offering loans to those in need and bail cash for those lacking financially. The main clientele was people with a lack of funds or people who normally wouldn't be able afford things. Failed loans were to be taken to court, to be solved through litigation.

    A monthly lottery was also be run out of the financial institution, called The Bank Raffle, being a for-profit renewing lottery based on ticket sales. So far, approximately 5 of these lotteries occurred.


    Originally, the Bank offered solely loans and bail cash between the initial year of opening. The year of 1902 saw the start of the Bank Raffle, consisting of a for profit lottery and multiple events, including the Carriage Craze and The Grand Dive Canoe Race.

    A monthly lottery was also be run out of the financial institution, called The Bank Raffle, being a for-profit renewing lottery based on ticket sales. So far, approximately 6 of these lotteries occurred.

    Starting in the Summer of 1903, the Bank then provided predatory loans to addictive gamblers within the state, thus taking many to the courts for the return of owed cash.

    Starting in March of 1903, the Bank started offering storage solutions for a miniscule price in comparison to the State's Banks.

    New Alexandria National Bank





    Jack King
    Robert Gates (Former)

    Date Founded:

    June 30th, 1901


    Rhodes Bank (Previous)
    Saint Denis Bank


    Henry Tenpenny
    Ula Grey (Former)
    Jean Morello (Former)
    Raccoon (Former)
    James "Jim" Hollinger (Former)
    Miklos Gabor (Former)