New Alexandria Nursing Association

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  • New Alexandria Nursing Association


    The New Alexandria Nursing Association (NANA) trains and supplies nurses to support the many Doctors and Field Medics within the state carry out their duties. Nurses help to provide person-centred, holistic care through:

    • Being caring and compassionate
    • Maintaining a sterile environment.
    • Performing clerical tasks (roleplaying stock management)
    • Providing basic first aid and essential care services.
    • Cleaning and dressing wounds, as well as applying ointments prescribed by Doctors.
    • Monitoring patient's conditions through taking regular physiological measurements (especially during surgery).
    • Handing over patients to Doctors after having taken a pre-examination assessment.
    • Supporting medical staff with surgeries, through holding tools, patients, and supplying the equipment necessary at the time.


    The Association was founded in April 1902 by Nurse Rachel Edwards, who had travelled from London, England with the prospect of bringing standardised nursing care to New Alexandria. A lot of the ideology behind the nursing skills taught at the Nursing Association derive from Rachel's time spent studying and working at St. Thomas' hospital in London. There, she was taught the methods of Florence Nightingale, something she still prides herself on today.

    New Alexandria Nursing Association





    Charge Nurse:
    Rachel Edwards

    Date Founded:



    Saint Denis Hospital


    Senior Nurses:
    Cicely Ambrose