Ocelot Red

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  • Ocelot Red


    Ocelot Red is a notorious Texan gunslinger, drifter, and mercenary, he is roguish and cunning in nature, but honorable in actions. He's an individual who's code of honor is something that he sees as above the law, Red is indifferent to whether someone is a notorious outlaw or a well-reputed marshal, the way he views them hinges on their lifestyle and way of carrying themselves. Red prefers to either lead groups, ride in a duo, or ride alone.

    Red can often be seen in public places, gambling and playing poker often playing respectfully until someone starts conflict, he's quick with his words if someone starts conflict, however due to his prideful nature he tends to get into terse situations on a frequent basis, he has a real love and appreciate for art as well.

    Red is very much a proudful and unpredictable individual, nevertheless, he's extremely quick and deadly with a six shooter. He enjoys listening to music and is a gambling man both practically and by lifestyle, a bit reckless in nature, however reckless in a calculated way.

    Red is part mexican/African-American/Italian, of average height and of a lean physical composition, his hands are seasoned and have feint scarring of slash wounds, his face is young and facially doesn't have the "look" of a killer, his eyes seem to hold an innocent look, his knuckles, elbows, and knees have very feint scars that speak to his past in martial arts. His left cheek has what looks like a slash wound but is actually a bullet that had wizzed by so closely that it grazed his face leaving him with a feint scar

    Early Life 

    Born into Mesa Roja, Texas, Ocelot Red's parents and the environment he was in, shaped who he would become in the future...

    Eliza is Italian/Mexican and a horse trainer who ran the horse-training business side of the ranch and a fairly sharp markswoman, Eliza was the only real parental figure of Ocelot who tried to steer Ocelot into being a more educated and civilized individual, often reading him educational books and teaching him how to read, write, and other life skills, Eliza was born in Italy and was a lady who loved animals and was an artist, finding work in a stable in Cicily, Rome where she would care-take and train horses after nursing school.

    Eliza had grew to want to adventure off to other lands however her parents were overbearing and tried to force her to become a nurse. after turning 18 she used her hidden savings to sneak away from her parents and onto a cruise ship headed to Saint Denis, however upon close-arrival to Saint Denis, Ezekiel and his gang had snuck onto the boat in the dead of night and held the sailor hostage, rerouting the boat through the Lannahacee River, Flat Iron Lake, the San Luis River, and ultimately docking at the end of the Sea Of Coronado , through the long period of time, Ezekiel and his gang treated the passengers well and fairly. Through the six weeks that it had taken, both Eliza and Ezekiel had fallen in love with one another where after docking, the boat was met with 12 military men and lawmen alike who were on the shore. However a third group came along and pointed guns at the lawmen, the group being led by Vilkas and his band of 12 mercenaries, after a tense stand-off the military and law enforcement had left, Ezekiel handed them each $250 to "make up for lost time" which they happily accepted and left with.

    Ezekiel is a 28 year old African American and had a great reputation around the locals and the county, a notorious train robber and gunfighter and very charismatic by nature. Often he would rob trains and banks and give the money to the poor and working-class men, leading a gang of 6 who had infamously robbed a train carrying $50,000. After robbing the train, Ezekiel had shared out a large sum of money to Vilkas, the founder of Mesa Roja to get the town built and to keep it running. Ezekiel was well-appreciated by the majority of lawmen who even if chasing him would only do so out of obligation, Ezekiel was fair and honorable, giving a helpful hand to those needy, however he was merciless to those who were corrupt, murdering corrupt lawmen, infamously burning one to death. After Mesa Roja was founded, Ezekiel had planned on steeping the town in the same code of honor that he held, often phrasing the saying that a man should be "A Good Man With A Gun And Good Will".

    After the town had been built, they had 6 children, one of them being Ocelot Red who was the first-born.

    The Red Sky Ranch was on a hill overlooking Mesa Roja, Mesa Roja was a town that had shared the same sense of honor and ideals that Ezekiel had, after Ezekiel had founded Mesa Roja, he used it to give people jobs and a steady place to live, his gang would then become the town guard who would enforce the rules around, all highly skilled crack-shots who were "good men with guns and good wills", after the ferry robbery Ezekiel had brought the passengers who wanted to come with him into town, whilst paying a sailor to sail them back to Saint Denis with supplies for the trip.

    Ocelot Red was spurred into religion and education early as a child by his mother, often being forced to go to town weekly congregations as a child, he found these religious congregations to be full of people who were judging of each other and overall hypocritical, however he loved reading the bible and was a man of faith, during the congregations, Ocelot would sneak out and pass the time by reading on the sherrifs' office porch, reading the bible, and often reading dime novels and fantastical stories about gunslingers that he got from Sheriff Walker who would give him books to read, especially the ones about his father. His father (Ezekiel Red) and his mother (Eliza Red) were rich and owned the Red Sky Ranch and were renowned figures within the community.

    Mesa Roja was a town that was frequented by gunslingers, often serving as a sanctuary for gunslingers of all life paths, whether they be Marshal or Outlaw, one of the rules of the town being that the only way to catch a bounty currently staying in the town was to duel them, unless the town had considered them as "Dishonorable", in which the town's guard would catch them on sight, this was respected only because of Ezekiel and the reputation of the town, however on the rare occasions that someone would try to take in a bounty they'd be punished harshly, either being shot or getting publically hanged.

    Naturally because of the influx of Gunslingers, Vilkas capitalized by hosting quickdraw tournaments that garnered fame across America, often bringing lots of excitement and culture to the town as the merchants, businessmen, mercenaries, and men/woman of other occupations would flock to the town, creating a huge increase in the amount of cash the town had.

    Ultimately as a child Ocelot was obsessed with the idea of being in the tournaments, however his mother Eliza wished for him to stay on the path of being educated, although his father wasn't at home often, Ocelot would hear of his exploits and stories, although Ocelot wanted to listen to her mother and make her happy however he slowly started understanding how people saw him, he was pampered often because of his status as the son of Ezekiel, which gave him a huge ego, however deep down inside he wanted to be able to back it up, at the time he worked on his families ranch whilst they were gone, accompanied by Eliza.

    At this point in time Ezekiel was a travelling mercenary like many others of their family, he ended up getting poisoned during his time at a saloon where bounty hunters tried to capture him, however the others in the bar helped him fight them off, and in his wounded state, travel back to Mesa Roja.

    Upon Ezekiels' return he had took his parental role more seriously, realizing just how mortal he was, he began giving guidance to Ocelot who was now 6 years old, often bringing him outside of town to practice his shooting, hours and hours in the hot desert sun of shooting targets and birds, however Ocelot was just happy to be with his father who had such a reputation, at the age of 10 they had

    Present Life 



    "My Revolver Did It, Not Me"

    "You learn a lot about a man when he's staring down the barrel of a gun"

    "They say the law's black and white, but I prefer to paint it Red."

    "I'm not saying I'm faster than lightning, but it does ask me for tips."

    "Now you're sheep shit"


    Ocelot Red














    Somewhere In Texas


    Mexican/African American/Italian

    Marital Status:





    Ex Bounty Hunter


    The Mortician, The Morningstar Gunslinger, The Doverhill Desperado, Roja Red, Kid Red,

    Faction Affiliations: