Oliver Porter

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  • Description 

    A Hopeful and Enthusiastic Youth, Oliver tries his hardest to make the state of New Alexandria a better place for everyone around him.

    Early Life 

    Despite being born in England he didn't spend much time there. His family left England only a few years after his birth for reasons currently unknown to him. After arriving in America his parents never stayed in the same place for long. Not being able to stay in the same place for long, meant that Oliver never really got to know anyone around him and became rather reclusive and nervous.

    Overtime he would overcome his nerves and anxiety, becoming more open to speaking with other people but his nervousness still hinders him at times.

    Unbeknownst to Oliver the reason his family was on the move all the time was, that his father was a thief. He would steal from people in every place they would stay causing him to become wanted by the local law enforcement.

    Present Life 

    Upon Arriving in the state, he had nowhere to go and no one to be with.
    He tried his best to find some work but had no success, eventually he would set his sights on for filling a life long dream of becoming a lawman and making the world around him a better place. He signed up to the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department only a few weeks after arriving in the state. He didn't expect to get accepted as soon as he did and was extremely unprepared.

    He would spend four weeks as a Deputy Recruit learning much from the best and brightest the department had to offer, even being taught by some deputies from his own class who had been given their badges before him. Every ride along he tried his hardest and nothing would stop him. Many of the deputies he rode under have made a lasting impression on Oliver even if they don't realise it.

    Upon getting his badge his drive to do what is best didn't end ,and he would try his best every day, even if he himself did not believe it. His hard work and dedication to the job seemingly caught the attention of the Sheriff's Department Command who approached him only a month into his time as a deputy and promoted him to Senior Deputy. To this day, despite most people he speaks to saying otherwise , Oliver believes that they made a mistake promoting him , and that he was never ready to change his hat.
    He greatly enjoys taking recruits on ride alongs and teaching them as much as he believes he can, and while he doesn't quite care about advancing in rank within the department he would quite like to one day become a Field Training Officer.

    He later became a FTO a few months after becoming a Senior Deputy


    The New Alexandria Sheriff's Department - Western Senior Deputy FTO




    Oliver Porter













    6th January 1881

    Death Date:


    North West England



    Marital Status:



    John Porter (Father)
    Hannah Levelle (Mother)
    Lydia Porter (Sister)


    Senior Deputy Field Training Officer



    Faction Affiliations:
