Pim Sunfield

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    ☀️ Pim Sunfield ☀️
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    ☀️Little Rancher
    Pim was born to Elias Sunfield and Margaret Sunfield in a tiny village right outside Nyköping, Sweden back in 1884, just a year after Pim's parents had moved to Sweden from England. Pim's family owns a big ranch and farming grounds in Sweden so that's where Pim grew up, with her big sister Tammy. The Sunfield's became quite well known since they provided not only produce from their animals and crops from their farms but Mr Sunfield, Pim's father, is a doctor. So the Sunfield's provided a lot for their little village. Pim absolutely loves her parents ranch, her family and their community.

    Pim has deep brown eyes that sadly need to be covered by glasses since her eyesight isn't the best, she's got ginger hair and her body is covered in freckles. She does also have a scar across her left eye, which came about in a very funny accident. She's also a pretty medium height but she's quite muscular and strong after all the ranch work she's done her whole life. Sometimes she can have a bit of a foul mouth on her but for the most part Pim is a sweetheart who loves helping out and doing the dirty work, as in scooping poop and throwing around hay bales. But she doesn't take shit from anyone, she always speaks her mind.

    Elias Sunfield (Father - Alive)
    Elias is Pim's father, he's a field medic and a rancher.

    Margaret Sunfield (Mother - Alive)
    Margaret is Pim's mother, she's a rancher.

    Tammy Sunfield (Big Sister - Alive)
    Tammy is Pim's big sister, she's four years older than Pim. Tammy is a rancher.

    Early Life 

    ☀️Roots in Sweden
    Pim grew up in a tiny village outside Nyköping, Sweden on her parents ranch. It was mostly a really calm life there growing up with her big sister, mother and father. She was a happy kid who turned into a happy teenager. A strong one at that too with all the heavy lifting she got to do while working at the ranch. Of course her life had some ups and downs when her grandparents passed away or when she had to help her father with patients who had pretty bad injuries but it all only made Pim stronger. Her father started teaching her first aid pretty early in life since she picked up an interest in becoming a field medic as a little kid. Pim would read medical books by herself and learn through trial and error until one day she became good enough to take on patients by herself in her early teenage years. Pim officially became a field medic at 14 and she couldn't have been happier about it. And at the very early age of 5 she started helping out on the ranch with all the animals and the farm so she's a very skilled rancher as well.

    Her life was going super well until the day Pim and her sister got the dumb idea to duel on donkey's. Pim was 15 years old and her big sister was 19, and even though they're pretty smart teens they still dueled on donkey's. They rode the donkey's straight at each other while holding sharp sticks towards one another, the stick Tammy was holding went straight at Pim's eye but luckily it didn't hit the actual eye, rather it made a deep cut right across it. Since then neither Pim or her big sister has touched a donkey, both becoming sort of scared of the donkey's even though it definitely wasn't the donkey's fault.

    As Pim got to the age of 18 she started wondering what else was out there for her, out in the world. What she could discover and find if she started traveling, and that's exactly what she did. Only a month after she'd turned 18 she started traveling all the way over to the United States in hopes of finding her own way in life. And eventually she heard of New Alexandria in late 1903, so she started her journey back home to tell her family and friends where she'd be traveling to next and maybe even be staying for a while. After saying her farewells Pim got on a boat with her dog Copper and her horse Patch to return to the United States, and then a long carriage ride to New Alexandria.


    Present Life 

    ☀️Adventures in a new place, 1904
    Pim arrived in New Alexandria after a long boat and carriage ride all the way from Sweden, arriving in early January of 1904 with her horse and dog.

    She met Sammy Tate in January and started working at Lone Elk Ranch in Big Valley, becoming their one cattle rancher and helping teach them how to manage and take care of cattle. Pim also bought herself her very own bow from The Pop Up Shop, an antler bow that she helped get the antler for by hunting.

    At the start of February Pim fully moved into Big Valley at the ranch, spending a lot of time in the Valley itself and the wilderness around the area. If she needs to check telegrams or letters she'll always travel to Wallace, prefer not going into towns if she doesn't have too. Often she'll even be found relaxing up in a tree somewhere watching over Lone Elk.

    Pim celebrated her 20th birthday on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, with herself and her cows at the ranch. She didn’t wanna bother with telling anybody but she was sad about not celebrating it with her family at home.

    At the beginning of March Pim decided to start her own business, Wild Sunlight Horsemanship. A business where she intends to train horses and give riding lessons. Wanting to bring some good and reliable horsemanship knowledge to New Alexandria. So she sent in her business application and got it sorted, had posters made and did everything she needed to get it up and running the same month.

    Pim also found a little cottage at the edge of the valley right in the forest, nearby Lone Elk that she decided to move into. Deciding she doesn't wanna intrude on Lone Elk where tons of people already live. And she prefers her solidarity quite a bit either way, being surrounded by people constantly makes her pretty anxious. But her cottage is still very close to Lone Elk so she can be there in less than a minute. Pim is very happy in her little cottage alone surrounded by wildlife.

    After having opened her business for a little while Pim decided it'd be nice to run out of Armadillo, aware she'll have to travel back and forth for her ranch job at Lone Elk she still decided to move out to Armadillo. She prefers the warm west and solidarity she can get living out there. So Pim packed up her stuff, dog and horses and moved into a house in Armadillo.

    Pim felt pretty hopeless at the end of March and decided she wanted to move back home. She gave her horses away, some money and all the belongings she wouldn’t be able to bring home with her. She bought a boat ticket and started her adventure home. Sadly during the boat ride a big storm came through and Pim, as well as everybody else on that boat got stuck right in the storm. The boat capsized and everybody onboard fell into the cold ocean and died tragically. It was said that at least a hundred people passed away when the boat sank.



    ☀️Lone Elk Ranch (1904-1904)
    Pim joined Lone Elk Ranch on January 16th, 1904. Becoming their first cattle rancher since the ownership change from Red LeBlanc to Sammy Tate.



    "Mud bath time"
    "Copper you stinkbug where are you?"
    "The land don’t give up easy, and neither do I."
    "Pain’s just a reminder you’re alive. Let’s make sure you stay that way."
    "You can’t raise cattle on kindness alone. But kindness sure helps when things get tough."
    "Mud don’t care about your plans. It’ll slow you down whether you like it or not."
    "A bit of dirt never hurt anyone, but let’s not test that with an open wound."
    "Folks think the land’s unforgiving, but it’s just patient. Can’t say the same for people."
    "You’re stronger than you think. I’ve patched up tougher folks with less fight left in ’em."



    ☀️Pim loves animals incredibly much, all kinds but her all time favourite animal are cows. She loves the moo moo's.

    🌸She really enjoys collecting plants, herbs, berries and farming vegetables.

    ☀️Pim has an American foxhound named Copper that she took with her to New Alexandria from Sweden.

    🌸She loves the colour yellow and almost always wears something yellow. She also likes pink a lot.

    ☀️Pim is quite strong even though she's a pretty average height and build over all.

    🌸She is pretty shy and quiet until you get to know her, she rarely ever raises her voice either.

    ☀️Pim has no issues with rolling around in mud and dirt, she finds it pretty relaxing and fun.

    🌸She enjoys going into nature exploring or hunting as a hobby.

    ☀️Pim is pretty good at playing the banjo.

    🌸She doesn't care much for money and rather trade when possible.

    ☀️Pim doesn't have a specific accent and sort of picks up other peoples accent, so her own accent sounds kind of funny and different.

    🌸She really dislikes the taste of alcohol but she's absolutely obsessed with milk.

    ☀️Pim is a big foodie, she loves any food really.

    🌸She has a small fear of donkey's.

    ☀️Pim loves running around barefoot, so most likely you’ll find her running around without any boots on.

    🌸She prefers using a bow over a firearm.

    ☀️Pim writes in her journal to remember things.

    Is a common nickname for Pim because of her sunny personality.

    💛"Pim Pam"
    A funny little nickname her family says sometimes as a joke.

    🐀"Big Rat"
    Is a nickname given to Pim by Robin Pocket.

    Pim's Horse(s)
    ☀️"Patch" is a leopard Appaloosa stallion that Pim brought with her from her parents ranch in Sweden.

    ☀️"Stitch" is a few spotted Appaloosa stallion that Pim bought from the stable at Braithwaite.

    ☀️"Button" is a black snowflake Appaloosa stallion that Pim bought from Thieves Landing.

    ☀️"Buttercup" was a blonde colored Appaloosa mare that Pim got when she was just a little kid. Buttercup is very old now so Pim couldn't bring the horse with when she moved to New Alexandria.

    ☀️ Pim Sunfield ☀️









    1,62 cm






    Nyköping, Sweden


    Swedish, English

    Marital Status:



    Elias Sunfield
    Margaret Sunfield
    Tammy Sunfield


    Owner of Wild Sunlight
    Field Medic


    Pim Pam
    Big Rat

    Faction Affiliations:

    Lone Elk Ranch