Rush Hain

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    Rush "Victoria" Hain is a 23 year old blond haired, green eyed woman who has a heavy disdain for drugs, or synthetic medicines such as morphine, laudanum, or opiates. She often comes off as quiet, and stern whilst keeping a close watchful eye on those she interacts with.

    Early Life 

    Rush "Victoria" Hain was born to an aristocratic mother and nautical military father, whose status’ were only just recently secured in society within the bustling city of Nashville, TN until, like all things shiny and new, they too faded away. The early onset death of Rush’s father sent her mother spiraling into vices of any sort in order to keep her mind occupied from the grief she suffered. Unable to process the loss of the one guiding light in life, she turned toward the one failing that held her greatest favor; opium. Selling their belongings, and any sort of dignity her mother had resulted in Rush, and her Sister and brothers, slowly but surely finding themselves living in squalor in the slums of the city over a tedious period of time. Unable to make enough to claw their way out of their predicament and even if they did manage it, it was surely to be smoked away by their mother.

    Rush was forced to watch as her brothers slowly left one by one to strike out on their own abandoning the family, tired of watching their mother destroy away any income they brought in. It wasn't until it was just the three lingering siblings that things started to fall apart. This change forced Rush, now the eldest, to try and provide for herself, her mother, little brother and little sister. This task did no come easy as work was often dirty, and less than legal. Finding herself falling in with a small street gang in the city, Rush managed to make ends meet by working under a old war veteran aptly titled The Elder, a absolute drunk who used the local youth of the city to do his dirty work in exchange for a small amount of cash and a chance for him to supply his addiction. Under his ranks were various other street kids all seeking a chance at life. He taught them how to steal, rob, maim and most importantly; survive. Due to her stature and frame Rush was not suited for the fine art of pickpocketing, nor roughing people up in dark alleyways and instead in exchange for some base medical knowledge she was directed to smuggle illegal items and drugs to various contacts through the city. This task, while deeply hated by Rush, saw her a small amount of coin and allowed her to feed her family. Though, with time the knowledge that she was supplying drugs to the very people she cared for her weighed heavy on her heart.

    During this time Rush noticed a change in her mother as her addiction grew stronger following the death of Rush's baby brother, Jesse, whom was the youngest of the family behind Thistle. Rush always suspected that something had gone awry with her sister and her little brother, but her sisters sickness made it impossible to ever learn the truth. Jesse's death sent both her mother and Thistle deeper into their shared descent and further into their combined illness. Rush had always known that something was wrong with her younger sister, how she would see things that were not there or hear things that were not said. These strange and bizarre behaviors only further pushed Rush away from her and caused a deep rooted disdain to grow for what Thistle was slowly becoming and the drugs she used to manage it. How as Thistle participated in Opium with their mother, how her mother would get sicker and sicker and Rush was the only likely supplying their dealers with the very drugs they smoked. Not able to sit by and watch as the pair of them continued to tear apart what life they had left Rush too decided to finally strike off on her own, much like her older brothers. Declaring that no family of hers would ever leave her to suffer with neglect and loss as the pair of them did, and the guilt of how she was aiding them in this task finally pushed her to make a change. It wasn't until some time later that she learned her mother had passed, and her sister had vanished likely deceased as well. Rush knew that her mothers passing was the result of her sisters involvement with her mothers addictions, alongside her own aid and Rush chose to disown the notion she ever had a sister, brothers or a mother severing all ties with what family she had may or may not have left and carrying on by herself. Choosing to carry her self hate along with her.

    She found herself traveling out of Nashville and making her way toward Texas struggling as she did so. Whilst there she ran into the devilishly handsome Emery Ryker who had a ease of charm and charisma to him that lured Rush in. The promise of quick money, easy work, and a escape were all that was needed to solidify Rush's commitment to Ryker's cause and the pair began their sprees around Texas as a duo before slowly gathering more like minded individuals to shared their common interests.


    Present Life 


    The Ryker Gang



    Rush hates synthetic medicines, and will refuse to take any if presented. Preferring herbal remedies.

    Rush Hain









    Mark Hain [Brother] - Alive - Estranged
    Colin Hain [Brother]- Alive - Estranged
    Thistle Hain [Sister] - Alive - Missing
    Jesse Hain [Brother] - Deceased
    Mrs. Hain [Mother] - Deceased
    Mr. Hain [Father] - Deceased


    Gang Member



    Faction Affiliations:

    The Ryker Gang