Ryan Hastings

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  • Ryan Hastings


    His facial scar is the only visible reminder, aside from his scarred shoulder, of his first and last battle which ended his military career and his old life. Devoid of clear purpose, he has strived for years to find a new one. Now having started to rebuild his life and find new purpose he is not willing to let anything or anyone take that way from him again. Ryan is a loyal and protective individual towards those he cares about, often ensuring others are taken care of before taking care of himself. He cares for all his good friends and especially cares for his girlfriend Kit, his horse Moxxi, and Moxxi's daughter Motley. Though sometimes a man of few words, Ryan can, on occasion, find the right words to say even in some of the worst of circumstances.

    Early Life 

    The Hastings family is one of extensive military history and tradition in the service to the English Crown dating back to the battle they derived their name from. Ryan's parents immigrated to the Dominion of Canada in 1860, believing in a need to have families with strong ties to Britain and loyalty to the Crown to keep the colony a continually loyal part of the empire.

    Ryan was born into an upper middle class home where he was raised on the stories of military exploits and heroism of his family. Holidays to England where he was exposed to the living war heroes in the Hastings family and his closet friends also being from loyal British families with long standing histories in service to the Crown further solidified Ryan’s dedication to living up to the Hastings legacy and furthering it through his own actions and heroics.

    At 20, Ryan enlisted into the Canadian army and started training in the officer corp. Though Ryan proved to me more than competent as a military and team leader and was well liked by those who he commanded, his propensity for drinking and an ill-timed brawl proved to be irreconcilable with his superiors and he was kicked out of the officer corp. It was only due to his family name that he managed to stay in the military as an enlisted man with the rank of Corporal. Ryan spent three years in the military before finally seeing any sort of action.

    In 1889, Ryan and his closest friends (who referred to themselves as the Brothers of the Empire) pulled every string they could with their extended families in England to have themselves transferred to the Sudan and made a part of the British expeditionary forces there. It took six years before Ryan saw any prospect of having any real action. In 1895, Ryan’s company took part in a small excursion into enemy territory to assess the enemy for the possibility for a future proper expedition into the region. The excursion didn’t make it far into enemy lines before being ambushed and taking heavy casualties which including all of Ryan’s friends. Ryan himself was badly wounded. A shot to his right shoulder had incapacitated him early in the battle and shrapnel from an explosion sliced his face while he was being tended to by Colonel Michael Haywood, the regiment’s most experienced field surgeon who had volunteered to accompany the excursion. It was only due to Colonel Haywood’s skill and Ryan’s stubbornness on the topic that Ryan kept his right arm. Ryan’s military career however, could not be saved. The injury resulted in him being discharged from the army and he was sent home.

    Ryan would not receive the hero’s welcome he had always dreamed about. Instead, he was disowned by his family for brining shame to the Hastings name and found himself alone and lost as he had no family, no friends, and no purpose. Ryan would aimlessly move from small job to job as he just focused surviving day to day. This continued for four years before opportunity struck and Ryan found himself with a glimmer of hope of reviving his purpose when an up and coming politician came to him and made him an offer: do a small job for him and he would use his influence to get Ryan reenlisted into the army. Ryan carried out the job only to be double-crossed by his employer and hunted by the RCMP. Evading capture, Ryan fled the country and found himself fleeing to the only place he could afford to go: The United States of America.

    Present Life 


    -Silvers Security Association - Security Officer (Disbanded-Quit/Fired)
    -New Alexandria Horse Racing Association - Senior Director (Retired)


    "I'm not Australian in that way."
    "I uhm... wow."
    "These are my professional horse racer boots."
    "They could make me a Saint with the patience I show putting up with you."
    "I'm taken."
    "I'm the most experienced horse racer in the state."
    "Anyone can make and error, it doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."*
    "The best apology is a solution."
    "Anything for a friend."
    "God damn American engineering!"
    "Holy shit I'm magic!"


    -Ryan was born 800 years to the day of the Battle of Hastings from which his family name is derived.
    -Canonically, Moxxi earned the second "x" in her name when she kicked Ryan on his first day in state.
    -*This quote is attributed IC to Ryan's uncle Major Edward Hastings , but OOC originates from Grand Admiral Thrawn from Star Wars.

    Ryan Hastings













    October 14, 1866


    Kingston, Ontario


    Canadian (English at heart)

    Marital Status:

    N/A (Committed Relationship: Kit Detwiler)


    Henry Hastings (Father - Status: Deceased)
    Victoria Hastings (Mother - Status: Deceased)
    Captain Nelson Hastings (Cousin - Status: Alive - British Royal Navy, HMS Dragon)
    William Hastings (Brother/Adopted Ward - Status: Alive)


    N.A.H.R.A. Sr. Director (Retired)
    Horse Racer


    Seth Wolf
    Silver Fang

    Faction Affiliations:
