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  • Sinthullo


    On the shorter side of average, he is always smiling- as if he knows something you don't. Serpentine greenish-hazel eyes, medium dark complexion, and warm black hair tied back in a messy tail.

    His hands are calloused from hard work, and his age isn't quite identifiable. He has no apparent scars nor much in the way of birthmarks, moles, or freckles. His accent is an easy cadence that speaks of his heritage- Choctaw and Mexican.

    Early Life 

    [Chapter 1: The Skinners]

    Sinthullo was born originally 'Jericho Chito Skinner' to Coahoma and Santiago Skinner. He was followed by two younger siblings, twins, Ignacio Tokabi Skinner and Ximena Oppa Skinner. His family relocated from Indian Territory (Read: Oklahoma) to a northern mining town when Jericho was 10. Coahoma took work washing clothes and mending, while Santiago took to the mines, where work was plentiful.

    Growing up, Jericho learned to mend, to hunt, to cook and to ride from lessons by both his mother and father. As he grew older, he would work the mines with his father half the day and help with the family chores the other half, while their family saved up to move to the countryside. One fateful day, two weeks before Jericho's 16th birthday, he had stayed home to help with his siblings while his mother delivered laundry.

    A charge of dynamite had been set off prematurely on this day, collapsing multiple tunnels and trapping many of the miners inside. Dozens of men died on this day, and few survived. Santiago was pulled from a collapsed tunnel and languished for four days before succumbing to his wounds. Jericho's mother was sick with grief and made the decision to take Ignacio and Ximena (barely 6 at the time) back to Indian Territory to be with the rest of her tribe. Jericho chose to stay behind, but promised he would reunite with his family again, someday.

    Tearful goodbyes were had, and Jericho never learned if his family made it back to the territory or not. He has not heard from them since.

    [Chapter 2: West Arlington]

    After leaving the mining town, Jericho sought out work in the countryside on local farms. He bounced from farm to farm during the seasons, learning to tend fields and care for livestock.

    In his adult life, he found work in carpentry in a coastal town, until an older man saw him and offered him an opportunity to work at a small farm further down the coast. Working alongside two others, he was in charge of taking care of chickens, milking cows, and hauling pigs to market to sell them. The work was hard but profitable, and this was when he first coined the phrase 'No shit, there I was,' after a conversation in the worker's camp late at night.

    Eventually the ranch fell on hard times, and the owner of the farm had to sell- leaving Jericho without steady work. This did not stop him, however.

    [Chapter 3: The Snake Seller]

    Jericho had been taught to hunt by his mother early on in life, although it was not in the traditional way. After some practice, he found he was skilled enough with a pistol and a repeater to get what was needed. Mostly, he sought out pelts and meat, selling them back to the butchers of the towns- and then, there came the snakes.

    It started out with a moment of chance- a snake's scales shining in the moonlight caught his eye, even before he heard the rattle. He shot and separated the head from the body. As he watched the venom drip off the fangs, he had an idea- to milk the snake's venom and sell it.

    It was this that he became known for in West Arlington- trading snake venom. He was often greeted as the snake man, and asked "Do you have any venom for sale today?"

    It is truth that he even traded 10 vials of the stuff to a local horse trainer who awarded him with a silver colored Mustang, caught and trained especially for him.

    In some months time, he has hunted and successfully killed over 54 rattlesnakes snakes without ever being bitten.

    [Chapter 4: The First Saguaro]

    Palita was the first to approach him, having met him previously in passing. Between she and her partner Antonio, they had plans to run a great ranch and with Jericho's ranching experience, he was offered a place there with fair pay and hard work. This ranch became his new home, and the others in the camp his family- Palita, Antonio, Susan, Tobi, and others. The ranch grew and Jericho worked hard- milking cows, selling eggs to the farmer's market, and guiding cows to market.

    The nights were filled with good food, good tales, and better company. Palita called this ranch and its operations 'Saguaro', after the large cacti that stretched up into the Desert sky. They planned to expand ever Westward, bringing life to a sleepy town with fine liquor, guns, and animal trade. All was well, for a time.

    [Chapter 5: Law and Murder]

    Jericho returned from a visit out of state to news that his friend, Tobi, had been arrested for assaulting a Lawman. This man had died, and the law came looking for him. A trial was held and although in many eyes, Tobi was proven innocent-- the judge ruled otherwise. Before they could return him to prison, Tobi fled state. Palita, Antonio, and others took one last look back at the city and knew that (in time) the laws of the men would encroach on the freedom felt within the Saguaro camp.

    With what felt like a hard goodbye, the ranch was left behind, and the family of Saguaro separated into different directions.

    Jericho headed East.

    [Chapter 6: Everywhere you go...]

    Jericho arrived in a new town, a boomtown, full of opportunity but no ranch work to be found. There were many new faces but also some familiar ones- like Tobi.

    In a new land, with new opportunity, Jericho decided to finally try to reconnect with his heritage. He found and met with a small group of Native peoples who had carved a space for themselves in the hilly land North of the boomtowns and the trade routes. It was here that Jericho began to study herbs, medicine, and dove further into the life of a craftsman and a hunter.

    With a few mentors, and a lot of patience, he practiced his stitches and his poultices. He set down the rifle and picked up a bow, re-learning how to hunt big game with it. For a challenge, he even took it with him to chase a few bounties with his companions.

    Like all boomtowns, however, the town fell on hard times- Stores shuttered, and when trade became bad, people moved on.

    So, too, did Jericho- one last time, to a place he had heard of... New Alexandria.

    Present Life 















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