The Springfield Family

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  • Description 

    The Springfield’s are a large family which display vastly different characteristics, backgrounds, and personalities. One would identify a Springfield by their stark white hair and that they can typically be found in groups of two or more. Every Springfield has said white hair due to the strong genetics of their father, Eustice Springfield.


    While each and every Springfield has a unique story - and nearly each and every Springfield has a unique mother - the beginning of The Gathering can be linked back to Tallulah (Lu), Elias, and Milton. Lu was raised by Eustice’s mother, making her one of the easiest siblings to find. And after Peepaw’s (Atticus) mind began to slip he entered the care of Elias; eventually leading to the siblings’ knowledge of each other - a typical sibling relationship spawned from this easily. Roughly around the same time a scruffy and scrappy street-rat fell into Lu and Grammy’s care - now known as Milton; one of the great protectors of the family and specifically to Lu. In 1901 - as the trio came into adulthood - they decided they wanted to gather in a place of new opportunity known as New Alexandria. Soon after the three arrived in state they received mysterious word of some Springfield twins (Iva and Murphy), sure enough the twins had the typical sign; stark white hair. To their surprise the twins were English and had quite the story to tell. Still, the twins fell into the group like a puzzle piece and it was quiet for a while. Until Margo Springfield heard of a group of Springfields settled in New Alexandria. And around the same time a brother named Marius. And some time later RoseMary and Millie joined the fray. Who’s to say there aren't more out there? After all, father was very busy in 1883.


    Elias is the oldest, and often made fun of for such.
    Milton is easily the most well known. Margo is a very close second.
    for some reason, a lot of the siblings names begin with M.
    Margo is a magical detective lawyer father at law. The only person who really knows what that means is her.
    Margo has a body guard called brick. His namesake has a higher IQ than he does.
    Rosemary's other kin are Raccoons.
    Millie has a mouth on her.
    Milton is stinky.
    Elias hates the fact he has to wear reading glasses.
    Tallulah is arguably the best dressed, but Elias believes it to be him.
    Margo does not carry any long arms. instead, she opts for a pair of bows.
    Tallulah has an incredibly concerning amount of sharp objects and blades.
    Rosemary has a tendency to climb the nearest building and sit near the edge of it. Much to Elias's annoyance.
    Milton constantly has snacks on him, or in his mouth.
    Milton also has to pee every 3 minutes.


    Nomads - Disbanded
    Rykers - Negative
    Gatlin Siblings - Rocky



    Dormant / Retired

    Date Founded:

    first gathered on 03/01/1901


    No Specific Leader


    (in order of age)
    Atticus Springfield, 80+ (Grandfather)
    Elias Springfield, 28
    Tallulah Springfield, 23
    Milton Springfield, 22-23
    Marius Springfield, 21
    Rosemary Springfield, 19-25 (unknown)
    Murphy Springfield, 19 (twin of Iva)
    Iva Springfield, 19 (twin of Murphy)
    Millie Springfield, 19
    Margo Springfield, Unknown even to her

    Family Friends
    Katarina Kane
    Mas Blanche
    Wyatt Connors - Deceased
    Shelby Lord
    Eddie Gatlin