The Grimms

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  • The Grimms


    Forming from the unlikely alliance of two half-brothers and an old English gangster, The Grimms have been known across several states for their ruthless attacks on the local population in their quest for money, infamy and adrenaline. It didn't take them long after entering New Alexandria to start robbing General Stores, Bank Tellers, Deputies and innocent people whenever they felt like it. Unafraid of being outnumbered or outmatched, they are quick to showcase their aggressive tactics in relieving people of their possessions. Backed by the intelligence of their defacto leader and silver tongue, Cedric Grimm and their ruthless enforcer Warren Roswell, they are not afraid to fight dirty. If you fight with your fists, they will fight with a knife. If you fight with a knife, they will fight with a gun.


    Warren Roswell
    Warren grew up in the unforgiving East of London. Born in 1861, he was quick to learn of the harsh methods needed to survive during the Victorian era of Industrial Revolution. Unhappy with the prospect of working in a factory for the rest of his life, Warren took to the streets in search of money and food, acquiring it any way he saw fit. He fashioned a small, flintlock-style pistol out of pipe, wood and scavenged gunpowder from factories and began robbing people at gunpoint. His first real brush with fortune came when he held up an upper class factory owner exiting his office which he had broken into the night before. He acquired the man's watch, jewelry and bowler hat, the former two of which he pawned for a relatively large amount of cash. The hat however, he wore with pride as a sign of himself moving up in the world of crime. It didn't take long however for his escapades to become known to the local Law Enforcement. Sent on the run, he commandeered a cargo carriage heading to Bristol and boarded a ship heading to the New World. After 3 long months at sea, he finally arrived in the city of Norfolk, Virginia and slowly made his way West. On the way he met local criminal brothers Cedric and Lukasz Grimm with whom he formed an alliance and vowed to head West to find their fortune. During this time, he met and married a beautiful Russian woman named Lucy and they officially formed The Grimm Gang, also known as The Grimms, and began their new life in New Alexandria.




    The Grimms




    Date Founded:



    Cedric Grimm [UNKNOWN]
    Lukasz Grimm [UNKNOWN]


    Warren Roswell [ALIVE]
    Lucy Roswell [UNKNOWN]
    John Withers [UNKNOWN]