Viktor Yakovych

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  • Viktor Yakovych


    Viktor can be spotted easily by the large fur pelts he wears, keeping him warm in the snowy mountains he calls home. He is a very large Russian man, accustomed to the frozen northern lands. A quiet man, Viktor often only speaks when necessary, letting others do the talking as he listens.

    Early Life 

    Born far to the north in Alaska, Viktor found himself part of a dying breed. He belonged to the free Cossack peoples of Russia, yet he was born an American citizen. Not many years before he had been born, the Russian Tsar had been forced to sell Alaska to America. Yet even though this was the case, the Cossack peoples of the land still saw themselves as Russian. As Viktor grew, he was taught the ways of the free Cossacks, taught to fight hard and to live free at all costs. Viktor's elder brother of 5 years, Volodym, was his envy as he grew. A born warrior, Volodym impressed many of the other Cossacks in the area, besting trained warriors in fights by the time he was 17. While Viktor had skills of his own, his abilities were average compared to his brother. By the age of 20, Volodym had formed his own horde, and gained the title of Ataman.

    Viktor saw this as his first chance to prove himself to his brother and his new horde. He followed his brother into many battles, fighting against other Cossack hordes, and anyone else his brother asked him to. Viktor fought hard and trained harder, hoping to prove himself to Volodym. At the age of 20 Viktor was made the Ecayn of Volodym's horde, second in command. This was a great honor, and Viktor felt recognized for the hard work and dedication he had put into proving himself. Under Volodym, Viktor learned about battle tactics and how to command men. Together the brothers kept their horde safe, trusting in each other and their people.

    A few months after Volodym's 27th birthday, he was struck down in a fight, dead within hours. His horde quickly disbanded to in-fighting and panic. In one day everything Viktor had spent the last years of his life working to build and protect was gone. The title he had worked for meant nothing, and he was left truly alone in the world. From then on Viktor traveled around all over Alaska and Canada, joining hordes for safety and fighting and traveling with them for a time before going on his way. No Ataman could have his trust and devotion in the same way that Volodym had, and no horde could make him feel less alone. He traveled around like this for years, going from one Cossack horde to the next, until he met a man named Mikhail Kutuzov, joining his horde. Mikhail and Viktor fought together for some time in Canada, before Mikhail got word of a state in America, New Alexandria. It was not long before Viktor was following his Ataman to this state, to see what it had in store for their horde.

    Present Life 


    The Cossacks











    6' 4"






    Yakutat, Alaska



    Marital Status:








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