• Check out our Partnered Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying Community New Day RP!
Jackson Trevok
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  • Craziest day today.
    • Get off work
    • Go to a bar
    • Find out the gang you were meant to go ditched
    • You go out to find cheap food
    • You end up instead ingesting 2g of shrooms first time alone
    • Have the rollercoaster of an evening trying to get home.
    • Finally tuck into bed 3 hours later.
    Some legendary quotes for tonight:
    • "Sorry"
    • "This shit is crazy"
    • "The longest hour"

    Trying to add things I have missed over the years, and finish areas that I have a general idea on. What do folks think I should do next?

    The hate for it seems to have sparked a passion in Valentine...
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