Flyers containing this information have been distributed to all notice boards and government buildings in the State of New Alexandria.
Given the recent resignation of former State Representative Henry Clerk from his seat, a Special Election will be held given the amount of time remaining in the term. This election will be to elect one single State Representative to fill the vacated seat.
STATE REPRESENTATIVES are responsible for drafting and passing State Laws, Acts, Edicts, Procedures, Resolutions, Criminal Punishment, Endorsing Civil Appointments, and other tasks.
Representatives will be expected to attend a mandatory monthly 'Legislative Meeting', and bring forth proposals for discussion on behalf of the good people of New Alexandria.
4 month term, with 3 months remaining in this term.
CANDIDATE REGISTRATION: September 26th - September 28th at 8pm
CANDIDATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS; No Felony Charges for 30 days. Must be a Citizen of New Alexandria for at least ONE (1) month (OOC: Active member of the community. Minimum age requirement: 18 years of age. No bans in past month)
CAMPAIGN: September 28th at 8pm - October 2nd at 8pm
VOTING: October 2nd at 8pm - October 4th at 8pm
STYLE: Given the constrains of a Special Election, this election will be held First Past the Post, meaning the candidate who has the most votes cast in their name will win the seat. In the event of a tie for the most votes cast, a run-off election will be held the following week between the tied candidates.
US Congress and President
Please understand what you are running for. THIS IS A SERIOUS RESPONSIBILITY, both in-character and out of character and IS NOT JUST A TITLE OF PRESTIGE.
We don't mind and endorse non-serious / fun character campaigns to keep things entertaining, but when it gets down to business we need to be solid and serious on the OOC and IC level, which is why we are tying votes to a player and their character at this time, not just one or the other.
Public / State office will change a character / your life within our community. You will be expected to be the embodiment of professionalism of which these offices demand and require. Every action and decision you make will be dissected and criticized, and there will be people that will be rooting for you to fail. Your character's 'social life' will change, your OOC life within our community will change, as you will be expected to sacrifice your time to address matters at an OOC level (forums, meetings, discord, ect), as well as at an IC level.
This is a grand experiment that we are implementing; an organic Government of the people, by the people, and for the people with checks and balances of which is rarely attempted within a Roleplay Community, and we (Management) are hoping it goes smoothly with as little staff interference as possible.
- The position calls for In Character Campaign and election and presence.
- Out of Character considerations on behalf of the effects of any legislation/act/edict passed.
- Congress (Management) has the right to veto, alter, or adjust any current law (historical practice, checks and balances).
- The Current Governor will shift into an 'Advisory' role for the incoming Governor (with an announcement regarding this role)
- There will be NO OOC CAMPAIGNING, either in public or private mediums.
- Corruption that damages the reputation of the office may be met with forced permanent punishment (capital punishment) if found guilty of corruption (Constitutional Consideration), and you accept that responsibility.
- Management reserves the right to impeach or remove and replace elected officials who demonstrate they are unfit for the office and position, go inactive, rule breaks, ect.)
Given the recent resignation of former State Representative Henry Clerk from his seat, a Special Election will be held given the amount of time remaining in the term. This election will be to elect one single State Representative to fill the vacated seat.
STATE REPRESENTATIVES are responsible for drafting and passing State Laws, Acts, Edicts, Procedures, Resolutions, Criminal Punishment, Endorsing Civil Appointments, and other tasks.
Representatives will be expected to attend a mandatory monthly 'Legislative Meeting', and bring forth proposals for discussion on behalf of the good people of New Alexandria.
4 month term, with 3 months remaining in this term.
CANDIDATE REGISTRATION: September 26th - September 28th at 8pm
CANDIDATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS; No Felony Charges for 30 days. Must be a Citizen of New Alexandria for at least ONE (1) month (OOC: Active member of the community. Minimum age requirement: 18 years of age. No bans in past month)
CAMPAIGN: September 28th at 8pm - October 2nd at 8pm
VOTING: October 2nd at 8pm - October 4th at 8pm
STYLE: Given the constrains of a Special Election, this election will be held First Past the Post, meaning the candidate who has the most votes cast in their name will win the seat. In the event of a tie for the most votes cast, a run-off election will be held the following week between the tied candidates.
US Congress and President
Please understand what you are running for. THIS IS A SERIOUS RESPONSIBILITY, both in-character and out of character and IS NOT JUST A TITLE OF PRESTIGE.
We don't mind and endorse non-serious / fun character campaigns to keep things entertaining, but when it gets down to business we need to be solid and serious on the OOC and IC level, which is why we are tying votes to a player and their character at this time, not just one or the other.
Public / State office will change a character / your life within our community. You will be expected to be the embodiment of professionalism of which these offices demand and require. Every action and decision you make will be dissected and criticized, and there will be people that will be rooting for you to fail. Your character's 'social life' will change, your OOC life within our community will change, as you will be expected to sacrifice your time to address matters at an OOC level (forums, meetings, discord, ect), as well as at an IC level.
This is a grand experiment that we are implementing; an organic Government of the people, by the people, and for the people with checks and balances of which is rarely attempted within a Roleplay Community, and we (Management) are hoping it goes smoothly with as little staff interference as possible.
- The position calls for In Character Campaign and election and presence.
- Out of Character considerations on behalf of the effects of any legislation/act/edict passed.
- Congress (Management) has the right to veto, alter, or adjust any current law (historical practice, checks and balances).
- The Current Governor will shift into an 'Advisory' role for the incoming Governor (with an announcement regarding this role)
- There will be NO OOC CAMPAIGNING, either in public or private mediums.
- Corruption that damages the reputation of the office may be met with forced permanent punishment (capital punishment) if found guilty of corruption (Constitutional Consideration), and you accept that responsibility.
- Management reserves the right to impeach or remove and replace elected officials who demonstrate they are unfit for the office and position, go inactive, rule breaks, ect.)
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