One Year

  • Check out our Partnered Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying Community New Day RP!

William Hayes

The Man Himself
AG's Office
First Settler
Oct 10, 2019
Time flies.

It was on this night one year ago that myself and Billy McGee were talking to each other about the possibility of a Red Dead Redemption 2 roleplay server. Him and I were both part of a Grand Theft Auto RP community at the time, but were interested in trying something new. It was through this conversation that I decided to purchase - Not thinking I would ever actually do anything with it, I was a fan of the name and wanted to get everything I could with it. The next day we created the Discord, and Wild West RP was born.

When we started this community, I honestly didn't think anything would come of it. I figured we would be closed within 6 months, and I refused to plan more than a month or two in advance because of this. We had big ambitions - An electoral system with a Government that mattered, a lore we could shape and mould, and a unique roleplay experience in the Wild West. This presented so many challenges - How would we handle not having instant communications? Law Enforcement? Department of Justice?

We opened the community up to the public to join in October of 2019, before RDR2 came out on PC and long before RedM. We opened a "Beta-Whitelist", where people could give their information, read our rules, and become members. While we didn't expect too much interest, we had to cap that process at 150 applicants. Back then, I was so excited that we had 150 people wanting to be part of Wild West RP! People who joined during this period, the true "OGs", are the "First Settlers".

From there, the growth of the community was amazing. We got featured in a PCGamerN article the day that RDR2 launched, and quickly ballooned to 1000 Discord members by New Years 2020 - something I was personally so proud of, not knowing what the future would hold for this community. Now, our Discord sits with over 8000 members, and we have over 3700 Whitelisted members. We've had multiple elections, multiple Governors, have established a Wild West Law Enforcement system, a old-Justice Department of Justice system, and saw *so* many amazing characters develop. I can't believe how far we've come when I think about it.

There's simply too many people for me to @ here, and I don't want to forget anyone, but to those who have been here since the beginning with us and helped get us going - from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. And to those who continue to roleplay here often and make this community the best it can be, I want to thank you too. Without you folks this community would not exist.

We've had our ups and downs, and we're far from perfect. But we always strive to do our best. The Staff Team works incredibly hard to serve the community, and I want to thank all current and past members of the Staff Team for the time and energy that they have dedicated making Wild West RP into the community it is.

To many more years ahead!


William Hayes

Tommy True

Anti Lasso Wars
Gold Supporter
Retired Staff
Apr 9, 2020
It’s an honor to be part of this community. My life has changed for the better just by being here. What an amazing and wholesome escape and pastime for us to partake in, am I right?! Thank you William and to all the people who’ve come before, including those in the community that have come and gone — and those that are here today — that make this place such a warm home. Happy 1st anniversary to all 🥺🥰✨

Dawson Ray

Permanently Banned
Apr 13, 2020
This community has quickly become the only community I have ever loved. There are so many fantastic moments that I have experienced throughout my joining of this community and friendships that I have made that just cannot be broken. Your little thought of creating a community has become such a big part in my life and I truly appreciate your ambition. This was the first ever character based community I joined and I made it clear to myself that I would do everything I could to create authentic characters with backstories that fit well. Even though the creation of my characters have taken weeks/months I quickly learned to love the passion I had for the creation of unique characters and ideas so with that being said with all the respect and greatest regards I can find...

Thank you Tiberione! 💕🍻

Jodah Erickson

The Artist Formerly Known as Jive Ass Bitch
Gold Supporter
Retired Staff
May 12, 2020
I left a prior role play community to join this one after it eventually closed down after a year and I didn't have high expectations and I thought I'd give up role play after a few weeks of riding around on a horse, but thanks to everyone in this community I was immediately hooked and for the last 4 months I have spent nearly every day on WWRP. It's not every day you find a place to call home, and it's not often you make friendships that go outside of the realm of IC RP, but because of this place and the people who run it I have experienced all of those things. I have never been apart of a community that is as accepting and trusting as the people I have met here, so thank you to everyone I have had the pleasure of encountering and thank you to the entire staff team and development team for giving all of us something so amazing to do each day! This community is something special and I'm beyond happy to be a part of it.

Scarlet Prescott

The Boogeyman
Gold Supporter
Retired Staff
Apr 17, 2020
I will admit coming into this server I was in a very rocky place. I felt practically shunned from one community and watched another crumble right underneath me. My love for RP was practically non-existent and I could barely conceptualize a game that was outside of DayZ that could provide me with an enticing enough experience to stimulate my creativity. WOW WAS I BLOWN OUT OF THE FUCKING PARK.

The plan was to test the server for a couple of weeks. I figured it would give me the same feelings and vibes that FiveM gave me. I had never touched RDR2 and I honestly expected the worst. I think the moment of realization was when I took Samuel down the route of becoming an LEO. I had seen a dynamic in the server that was beyond realistic. I saw a server that took the work and effort they put into it seriously and I fell in love. I had gotten used to communities not giving a dam and only demanding and never giving back with staff that never gave a dam nor actually made an effort to care for a community. I feel so blessed to find something that truly is as unique as WWRP there's no other server with as much love and care for everything as it is here. Not only have I been able to build and create relationships from this community, but I have been able to create a story that is still running to this day, and have been able to be apart of and contribute to so many stories that I have come across.

WWRP is one of the best RP servers I have found over the course of 8 years of RP and it has been the only one I could really call home. This is one of the most loving and welcoming communities I have ever seen. The tolerance, patience, and kindness of this community speak volumes that echo through the canyons. I feel so blessed to meet the people I met, to be apart of this wonderful community, and to find a new place to call home. Thank you WWRP

Reese MacManus

Silver Supporter
May 16, 2020
In the first 3 weeks that I've been a part of this community, I have felt more welcomed and been able to develop my character and his story way further than I ever have in any RP community, including nopixel, which I've been in for years now.

You are all amazing @William Hayes and I know that every single one of us appreciates all that you and the staff do to make this community as great as it is and for us to be able to help you continue to make it wonderful! *finger guns*

Emilia Harrigan

The Incident Previously Known As CC
Silver Supporter
Aug 3, 2020
Tasmania, Australia
I have only been apart of this beautiful community for just over a month now and I am hooked— I am simply just so in love. I came in so nervous/worried as to if I would be liked or if my character would be ignored and those feelings were quickly pushed away both IC/OOC as I was welcomed in with warm open arms. I have made friends for absolute life because of this amazing family I was brought into. WWRP is the first community in such a long time where I feel like.. I’m home. I have felt comfortable to come out of my shell, laugh my real laugh, cry real tears and feel genuine love in my heart and soul because of what has been built here. I couldn’t imagine a world where I wasn’t given the push I needed to apply because I simply don’t want to think of a world where I never would have found my family. Congratulations on one year WWRP! Here is to many more ❤️

Ty Byrne

That Guy, Here
Gold Supporter
Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2019
Time to break kayfabe and say something genuine:

I'm not quite at my one year yet (I joined on Remembrance Day), but I'd like to give a big ups to @William Hayes for all the work he's put in thus far and continues to put in.

Just under a year ago, Hayes reached out to me on steam and mentioned that he had gotten a new community setup for the launch of RedM (I used to boss him around on an ARMA server back in the day). I personally was never a fan of FiveM, and had zero experience with the development for it, but I was an ARMA dev at the time. After some catching up, I signed up with my Whitelist App and joined on to do some development. We had a great team to start and they put in the work, and it showed to everyone and seeded a place for good RP in RedM.

That trend has continued. The staff (including those sneaky developers 😉) here is amazing and matches the quality of the community and RP everyone gets here. This place manages to be both approachable and fun while having serious stories and solid Roleplay for everyone to enjoy, and that's because of everyone here putting in work and being great at what they do!

So thanks Hayes! You are literally the reason I'm here and not still making ARMA scripts for people that spend all day Doxing each-other and causing drama.
And thanks to everyone else for making this community what it is: An amazing place to play, find friends, and have some great Roleplay!


Kate Lennox

First Settler
Oct 13, 2019
Gateshead, UK
I was always going to be on board for Red Dead RP, especially since Tiberione and Dirk and several others and I had played RDO a few times together and had tons of fun. Mr Hayes there just sent me the discord logs from when he first messaged me about it and I think I was probably one of the first 20 people in the discord! Never looked back from there. I have had a blast and will continue to get my cowboy kicks here for a long time to come.

Happy birthday WWRP!

Michelle Alvarez

First Settler
Silver Supporter
Nov 6, 2019
It has been amazing seeing the community grow so much from being such a small little group in the beginning to having so many members. I am so happy for the achievements that have been accomplished and many more that we will be achieving together as a community and as a family. It has been so much fun watching the first 150 apply then from there even before RedM was open just seeing more and more people hearing about WWRP and getting excited to be apart of the community and family that we have becoming.
It is an honor to be apart of this community and will forever be an honor to have been one of the first 150 who joined and watched the community blossom into the amazing community it is today.

Happy birthday!!!🥳😍
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Molly Ray

That Gal Here
Gold Supporter
Nov 12, 2019
Holy guacamole it's almost been a year for me here. Time flies when you're having fun I guess. Out of Character and In, we've all come so far and I'm so happy to call you all family. To many more years of fun. Love, Molly, and Meekz <3
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Augustus Phelgood

Silver Supporter
Jul 24, 2020
I am fairly late to the early game, but as soon as I found out about WWRP and the talented RP community you have here, I said, "I want in!" When D&D came back into my life like a long lost love a couple of years ago, I nearly wept with joy. Now with D&D, my newly adopted fur baby, and Wild West RP in my life, I've been happier and more at peace for the last two months than I have been in a very long time. Thank you all for this creative and supportive community!
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Reactions: William Hayes

Miguel Sanchez

Apr 6, 2020
Happy birthday to the server and a big thanks to the management, staff and admins who run this thing for all of us to enjoy. I've met a lot of great RPers due to my friends from the original "Redzone" DayZ server and many other GTA servers I was a part of with them telling me to jump on WWRP and have not regretted it one bit. I've made some great friends and thoroughly enjoyed the time I've had on here since April when I was whitelisted! Here's to many more enjoyable nights (and stupidly early mornings!) on the server!